I.Q scores
Back in the days, children needed to have a certain I.Q score to get into school and Forrest Gump had a low score, but his mother did something to get him into school. He then started going to school with the normal kids. -
The moves of Forrest
Elvis Presley learned moves from Forrest and Elvis used it in his song "Hound Dog" in 1956. He showed the moves off when he was presented on TV. Forrest was amazed when he had seen it on TV, but his mother did not approve of the moves when she saw Elvis doing it on TV, so she turned it off. -
Forrest meets JFK
Forrest met JFK by Forrest becoming a local legend by being a really fast runner for his college football team. Forrest had drank a lot of DR. Peppers so he really needed to use the bathroom. Once Forrest was next to meet JFK, he had said that he needed to go to the bathroom and made JFK laugh. -
LBJ sings the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in July. He banned segregation in employment and to the public. He also enlarged Federal Power to enforce desegregation. Link text -
Gulf of Tonkin
he US ship was attacked by N. Vietnamese patrol boat in Gulf of Tonkin on August, 1964. LBJ was asking Congress for action. The Tonkin Gulf Resolution was passed and gave LBJ carte blanche to conduct war against the North. It was thought of it being staged. Link text -
Americanizing the War
LBJ initiated "Operation Rolling Thunder." ORT was a sustained bombing of the North. By the time of June, 1965, 50,000 US troops were in the country. Majority of Americans supported the war based on containment theory. Link text -
Hippies were the most dramatic example of counterculture movement. They started using drugs and just feeling relaxed doing what was best for them which was drugs and sex. They wore different types of clothing that was different from everyone else, having long hair, eastern religious, and living a communal lifestyle. Link text -
Forrest Gump Enters the Army
Forrest was deployed to Vietnam for war. He joined the Armed Force was fighting off communistic forces in Vietnam. Not many people knew the reason for these Americans to be attending this war, fighting in Vietnam. -
Tet Offensive
There was a surprise attack on North Vietnamese/Vietcong on South. Over 100 towns and cities, US Embassy in Saigon, and 12 US air bases were attacked. The public's opinions in the US turned on LBJ. Link text -
Forrest meets Nixon
Forrest meets President Nixon because of the ping pong tournament in China. Nixon had termed the game as "Ping-Pong Diplomacy", and he thought of it as a sport and so did others. Forrest became really famous for being really good at Ping-Pong.