Timeline of "WWII"

  • Anschluss E

    Unification of Austria and Germany
  • Period: to


  • Munich Conference E

    Munich Conference E
    Last German Offense - Allies Win
  • Nonaggression Pact E

    Germany & USSR agree to not fight
  • Germany invades Poland E

    Start of WWII
  • Miracle at Dunkirk E

    Miracle at Dunkirk E
    338,000 troops escape German capture
  • Battle of Britain E

    Battle of Britain E
    Three-month bombing of Great Britain
  • Paris Captured E

    Paris Captured E
    France surrenders to GErmany
  • Germany invades USSR E

    Violates Nonaggression Treaty
  • Period: to


  • Pearl Harbor P

    Japan unprovoked attack of U.S
  • U.S. Declares War on Japan P

    U.S. Declares War on Japan P
    FDR makes speech to Congress "a date that will live in infamy"
  • Kasserine Pass P

    First US battle against Germany (bad loss)
  • Doolittle Raid P

    Doolittle Raid P
    American bombs fall in Japan for the first time
  • Battle of Stalingrad E

    Battle of Stalingrad E
    10 month battle ends turning point in the war
  • Battle of Midway P

    Turning point in war with Japan.
  • Rome Falls E

    Italy surrendered & Mussolini is executed
  • D-Day E

    Allies land at Normandy-Liberation of France
  • MacAurther returns to Phillipines P

    Famous speech "I have returned"
  • Battle of the Buldge E

    Last German Offensive-allies win
  • Iwo Jima P

    Island captured by U.S Marines raise flag
  • V-E-Day E

    WWII ends in Europe
  • Atomic bomb dropped P

    Over 120,000 die aat Hiroshima
  • V-J-Day P

    WWII ends in Japan