Poppy canada remembrance day

Timeline of World War Two

  • Nazi Germany Invade Poland

  • Period: to

    World War Two

  • Britain, Australia, New Zealand and France officially declare war on Germany

  • Canada enteres the war by declaring war on Germany

  • Germany invades Denmark and Norway

  • Germany invades France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands

  • Winston Churchill becomes the British Prime Minister

  • Holland Surrenders to Germany

  • Belgium surrenders to Germany

  • Italy declares war on France and Britain

  • France signs an armistice with Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler tours Paris

  • Italy invades Egypt

  • Pact signed by Germany, Italy and Japan

    Germany, Italy and Japan became known as the Axis powers after this alliance pact was signed.
  • Germany invades Romania

  • Italy invades Greece and Albania

  • Germany invades Greece and Yugoslavia

  • Yugoslavia surrenders to Germany

  • Greece surrenders to Germany

  • Operation Barbarossa - Germany attacks Soviet Union as Operation Barbarossa begins

  • Operation Barbarossa - Germany attacks Soviet Union as Operation Barbarossa begins

  • German siege of Leningrad begins

  • Operation Typhoon begins and the Germans advance on Moscow

  • Japan makes a surprise attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii declaring war on Britain and the United States

  • The United States, led by US president, Franklin D Roosevelt, declares war on the Axis powers

  • Italy and Germany declare war against the US

  • First American forces arrive in Great Britain

  • Germans move towards Stalingrad in the USSR

  • Battle of Stalingrad begins

  • Soviets begin an offensive against the Germans in Stalingrad

  • Surrender at Stalingrad marks Germany's first major defeat

  • Germans begin a withdrawal from Tunisia, Africa and the Allied victory in North Africa enables invasion of Italy to be launched

  • Operation Husky - Allied landings in Sicily

  • Italy surrenders to the Allies

  • Italy declares war on Germany

  • End of siege of Leningrad

  • Allies enter Rome

  • D-Day landings on the northern coast of France - Operation Neptune/Overlord

  • Operation Cobra - Allied breakout from Normandy begins

  • Operation Dragoon begins (the Allied invasion of Southern France)

  • Allies liberate Paris

  • Surrender of Axis forces in Greece

  • German attack through Ardennes - Battle of the Bulge begins

  • Germans withdraw from Ardennes

  • Soviets capture Warsaw

  • US landings on Iwo Jima

  • Victory in Europe. Germany surrenders to the Red Army in Berlin

  • The United States drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima (20 kiloton bomb 'Little Boy' kills 80,000)

  • The United States drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki in Japan (the 22 kiloton 'Fat Man' bomb killed 70,000 people)

  • The Japanese surrender at the end of WW2

  • Victory in Japan Day- VJ Day