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Timeline of World War 1

  • Germany declares war on Russia.

    Germany declares war on Russia.
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France
    Historical Perspective: When France heard Germany declared war with Russia, they thought it would give them a great opportunity and advantage over Germany since they were focused on Russia
    Cause and Effect: Due to France declaring war on Germany this lead to the The Schlieffen Plan
  • The United Kingdom declares war on Germany, after Germany invades Belgium.

    Cause and effect: Germany attacking their allies and invading thier land lead to the declartion of war against Germany
    Historical Per: Germany was already facing problems with successfully completing the Schlieffen plan and now Britain was adding more to their problems making them fear the worst for the plan.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia and Serbia declares war on Germany.

    Cause and Effect: Since Russia declared war on their ally Germnay, Austria-Hungary supported Germany and also declared war on Russia

    Continuity and change: This event lead to Sebia delearing war on Germany in support of Russia
  • U.S. President Woodrow Wilson announces the U.S. will remain neutral.

     U.S. President Woodrow Wilson announces the U.S. will remain neutral.
    Cause and effect: Austria-Hungary and Serbia had ongoing problems which resulted in their allies declaring war against each other
    Continuity and change: This resulted in other countries declaring war on Germany and Russia leading to WW1
  • Trench warfare begins as soldiers on both sides dig in.

    Trench warfare begins as soldiers on both sides dig in.
    Historical perspective: Winter was approaching and they needed to keep warm. So they dug their trenches and claimed their land as well.
    Cause and effect: Due to the approach of colder seasons and the need for a safe place to stay, it turned the war into trench warfare.
  • Battle of Ypres begins.

    Historical perspective: The Schlieffen plan was now in tack and was expected to work but Germany’s army was soon disappointed when they faced obstacles along the way which cause their plan to fail.
    Cause and Effect: The execution of the Schlieffen Plan led to Britain declaring war on Germany
  • Germany declares the waters surrounding British Isles to be a war zone in which ships can be sunk without warning.

    Ethical dimension: This was ethically wrong because this could potentially harm other ships that were not involved with the war.
    Cause and effect: Since the British were now involved in the war, Germany needed more protection and security even overseas.
  • The Second Battle of Ypres begins. It is during this battle that the Germans first use poison gas.

    Ethical Dimension: It was in this battle when poison gas was introduced. Poison gas was considered to be ethically wrong because it caused slow and painful deaths or incurable injuries.
    Historical Perspective: The allies forces was surprised by the attack of Germany because it was the first use of the poison gas on a large scale
  • The Battle of Gallipoli begins.

    Cause & Effect: Lack of sufficient intelligence and knowledge of the terrain, along with a fierce Turkish resistance, hampered the success of the invasion.
    Historical Significance: Battle of Gallipoli or the Dardanelles Campaign, was an unsuccessful attempt by the Allied Powers to control the sea route from Europe to Russia during World War I.
  • Germany suspends unrestricted submarines

    Histroical Sig: This gave the chance for the allies to gain control over the British seas
    Cause and effect: Due to the battle dragging on and no progress the susupened submarine use for a while
  • The Battle of Verdun begins.

    Historical Sig:The Battle of Verdun was the longest battle of World War I and was one of the bloodiest.
    Cause and effect: Because of the length of the battle and poor desicions made by commanders this battle was the bloodiest of them all.
  • Germany resumes submarine warfare

    Historical Per: After the battle of Verdun, Germany felt the need for more security and to regain power after the bloodiest battle of all time
    Cause& Effect: Due to the number of defeats on the allies behalf Germany needed my protection
  • The Battle of the Somme begins.

    Historical Sig:During the Battle of the Somme, tanks are first introduced into battle.
    Cause and Effect: Consequences of the Somme was Douglas Haig losing the confidence of the British government
  • Battle of Somme ends with enormous casualties and no winner.

    Historical Per: Both forces were disappointed and people were outraged back home
    Cause and effect: Because The German defense was stubborn they suffered heavy casualties of many thousands by the end of the battle
  • The United States declares war on Germany

    Cause and Effect: Due to the Imperial German Government committing repeated acts of war against the U.S Government they delcared war against Germany.
    Historical Sig; This added more bloodshed to the battle and more pressure on Germany
  • The Battle of Passchendaele (also known as the Third Battle of Ypres) begins

    Historical Sig: Canadian soldiers performed exceptionally during this battle and their contribution was essential to ending the war which heightened Canadas national reputation

    Cause and effect:During the course of battle, continuous rain led to unbearable conditions andresulted in many casualties
    Constant shelling churned clay soil and smashed drainage systems producing thick mud leading to the land experiencing great damage
  • The second battle of the Somme begins

    Historical Sig: The German had a succesful offensive against Allied forces on the Western Front during the later part of World War I.
    Historical Per:The British trenches were shelled and gassed before a massive morning attack in dense fog, which the British did not expect therefore were probably suprised when it took place
  • The second battle of the Somme ends

    Historical Sig: Lots of causilties and disappointment came from the Battle of The Somme
    Historical Sig: Lots of casualties and disappointment came from the Battle of The Somme
    Historical Per: People on both sides are relived that battle is over because it was being dragged on too long
  • The official date of the war ended

    Cause and effect: In result of this war many troops were lost and left countries with big expenses but the biggest one of all was the irreplaceable lives that faught in the war
    Historical per: People were glad that the war had finally ended because it went on longer than it was suppose to but they were also deeply sadden by the unnecessarybloodshed which achievec nothing.
  • Three Turning points of WW1

    Three turning points of the war:
    1.)The use of new weapons, like aircraft, submarines, tanks, wide spread usage of machine guns and artillery.
    2.)The Germans started sinking every boat that passed by them, which brings the USA into the war.
    3.)The Allied forces breaking through the Hindenburg Line