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Timeline Of Tyranny - C.W.

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French expanded their land to the Ohio River but British thought that was their land, so they declared war. It was later resolved at the 1763 peace confrence, where Frace gave Britan Canda and Britan let the French keep the West Indian Sugar Islands.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The British made this proclamation to gain trust with the Indians. It insured that the British would keep any settlers off the Indians land.It is now the cornerstone of Native American Law in the U.S, and Canada.
  • The Stamp Act

    The British goverment was in debt because of The French Indian War so they started taxing the American colonistsfor stamps. They made the colonists pay for a stamp each time they used paper. The colonists thought this law was unfair so they resorted to mob like violence to make the stamp collecters resign. The British took back this act in 1766.
  • The Quartering Acts

    The Quatering Acts were to laws made by the british goverment to make colonists provide food and shelter for british soldiers. But the province of New York did not want to comply. So in response to that the British goverment suspended their governer and legislature.New York remained continued to refuse untill the year 1771.
  • The Townshed Acts

    The British made taxes called import duties. These import duties are made to tax the colonists on paper, glass, lead, paints, and tea. The colonists asked that these import duties be removed. The British took back all of the taxes except the ones in tea. The colonists were still angry which lead to the Boston Tea Party.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The British had sent more troops to Boston inorder to control the colonists, but they were given strict orders to not harm them no matter what the colonists did or said. On March 5th one of the colonists pushed a British solider too far, so the british started firing and killed five people. This act sparked a rebellion among the colonists and they started to protest.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The Tea Act allowed the East India Company to have a monopoly over the sale and import of tea. The colonists were very angry and this lead to The Boston Tea Party.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Samuel Adams and The Sons of Liberty were fuming about The Tea Act so they boarded The East India Company ships and dumped all the tea they were carrying (342 cases) overboard.This lead to the Coercive acts of 1774 and the colonists and the British coming closer to war.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The intolerable Acts were a series of laws made by the British goverment to punish the Boston colonists after The Boston Tea Party. The Acts took away their self goverment and historic rights. This lead to them making the First continental congress.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The first continental congress was formed by leaders from all thirteen colonies. The colonies were joining together aginst the british. The group cames up with things that they wanted the british to do or not to do. They sent a letter containing this infromation to the King.
  • The Battles Of Concord and Lexington

    The Battles Of Concord and Lexington
    These two battles kicked off the American Revoultionary War. The British and the colonists fought against one another. This eventually lead to the colonists winning their independence.