Ages 5-10
At Five they are curious about everything.
At Six they are extremely independent,
At Seven they are always thinking about playing and start to care what others think about them.
At Eight they become sensitive to parental approval or disapproval and may cry when they are tired and may have stomachaches when they are worried.
At Nine friends become more important than their mom and think all adults are stupid.
At Ten they will start to make excuses for their misbehaving. -
Ages 11-13
At these ages they desire guidance from their parents but no lecturing.
They develop strong friendships.
They start to understand how others feel.
They want to make their own decisions. -
Ages 14-18
Have decreased conflicts with parents.
Are more independent.
Show more concern about their future. -
How Kids Grow: Defining Normal Behavior - HealthyPlace. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2016, from http://www.healthyplace.com/parenting/challenge-of-difficult-children/how-kids-grow-defining-normal-behavior/
Teenagers (15-17 years of age)- CDC. Retrieved January 16, 2016 from http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/positiveparenting/adolescence2.html