
Timeline of Omis

  • 31,000 BCE

    The Tearfall

    The Tearfall was a planet-wide disaster that struck Abeir-Toril in the final millennium of the Days of Thunder. It was widely believed dragonkind was created as a consequence of the Tearfall. The Tearfall was in fact the Sundering, the event when the worlds of Abeir and Toril were originally separated. As such, this event was related to the First and Second Sunderings
  • 30,000 BCE

    Start of the Dawn Age

    Dragons and giants rule Toril at this time; elves and dwarves settle in small but growing communities all over Omis. The dwarves overthrow the giants and start their empires. Toward the end of this time, the elves start doing the same against the dragon overlords of this era.
  • Period: 30,000 BCE to 25,000 BCE

    The Dawn Age

  • 29,500 BCE

    Conflicts Among Dragons and Giants

    Within a few centuries of their arrival on Omis, after some of the dragons reached maturity, the giants recognized the great reptiles as powerful and cunning interlopers who threatened their very existence.
  • 28,000 BCE

    The Kingdom of Ostoria

    The Giant Kingdom reaches its height, stretching across Omis from the Pale Reaches to the Forests of Tal'Yoriil.
  • 26,000 BCE

    Othea's Affairs

    Othea, mother of giantkind, pursues a series of unsatisfying affairs with various powers such as Vaprak, father of the ogre race.
  • 25,500 BCE

    Othea and Ulutiu

    Othea begins an affair with Ulutiu, a minor sea god of the Savage Frontier. The union of Othea and Ulutiu ultimately produces four races: Firbolg, Verbeeg, Voadkyn, and Fomorian.
  • 25,000 BCE

    Fall of Ostoria

    Ostoria reaches a truce with dragonkind and the Reign of Giants comes to an end. Ostoria has shrunk to only a shadow of its former self. The Giant Kingdom now occupies only the northernmost edge of Omis (present day Pale Reaches).
  • 24,500 BCE

    Omis Founded by the Elves

    Elf survivors of the Kingdom of Tintageer (Kingdom of Faerie) summon the power of elvish High Magic and escape from the Feywild to Toril. The Tintageer defeat a great red wyrm Mahatnartorian, Master of the Mountains, and found the first elven nation on Omis in the forests of Tal'Yoriil, long abandoned by the Giant race. 4 types of elves arrived in Omis at this time: The Sun, Moon, Dark, and Wood elves
  • 17,600 BCE

    The First Sundering

    The First Sundering or Ever'Sakkatien, was a High Magic ritual cast by the greatest High Mages of the Tel-quessir during the period of The First Flowering, around -17600 DR. The ritual resulted in the creation of the Isle of Echana, but also resulted in widespread disaster which destroyed or altered much of Omis and may even be the cause of much of the non-uniformity of the Weave throughout the continent. This event also caused Omis to split into 3 parts: The Mainland, Odren, and Rizan.
  • 15,000 BCE

    Karsus's Folly

    It is said that in a far away land, an Archmage named Karsus attempted to steal the knowledge and power of Mystral, the then goddess of magic. He succeeded in doing so but it forced Mystral to kill herself in order to save the Weave. For several moments thereafter, magic across the Realms faltered. This event altered the fundamentals of magic across Toril.
  • 12,000 BCE

    First Crown War

    When, in approximately -14,700 DR the Vyshaan, ruling clan of the sun elf kingdom of Aryvandaar, discovered an alleged link between their family and the Olrythii, ruling family of dark and wood elves of Miyeritar, Coronal Ivosaar Vyshaan chose to make a claim toward the rulership of the latter kingdom. When peaceful overtures were rebuffed, the Aryvandaarans began raiding the borders of Miyeritar until war broke out in earnest in -12,000 DR.
  • 11,800 BCE

    First Crown War (Continued)

    By -11,800 DR, Aryvandaar fully occupied Miyeritar, but the country did not come fully under Aryvandaaran control for another 500 years. The remaining elven kingdoms were both shocked and spurred by the aggressive war, and the Second Crown War broke out while the first was still being waged.
  • 11,700 BCE

    Second Crown War

    Ostensibly in support of their Miyeritar allies, the dark elf country of Ilythiir attacked the moon elf kingdom of Orishaar, then escalated the conflict to encompass Thearnytaar, Eillur, and Syorpiir, utterly destroying them. The brutality of these attacks led to the creation of the epithet dhaerow, meaning "traitor," to describe the dark elves of Ilythiir.
  • 11,699 BCE

    Second Crown War (Continued)

    The Ilythiiri conflicts, which began in approximately -11,700 DR, spanned over 1,200 years, and during the course of the savage war, the demon goddess Lolth took the opportunity to seduce the ruling families and powers in the kingdom further towards evil, assisted by a fiendish balor named Wendonai.
  • 10,900 BCE

    Third Crown War

    In about -10,900 DR, Aryvandaar (now known as the Vyshaantar Empire) was aided by a former Arch-devil named Malkizid in invading the sun and moon elf kingdom of Shantel Othereir. The war waged for nearly 300 years until Shantel Othereir surrendered after the death of their coronal.
  • 10,500 BCE

    Fourth Crown War

    In -10,500 DR, owing to destructive magics of Vyshaantar, the Dark Disaster occurred, and a magical storm turned Miyeritar into the wasteland now known as the High Moor. Enraged at the destruction of their dark-elf brothers' land, Ilythiiri savagely attacked the Vyshaantar Empire. The Ilythiiri began to openly worship evil gods and commit such acts of atrocities that all the remaining elven kingdoms decided to expel the Ilythiiri dark elves from Corellon Larethian's grace.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Fourth Crown War (Continued)

    The most powerful mages and clerics succeeded in completing the ritual in about -10,000 DR, though it had the adverse effect of corrupting all dark elves, not just the intended Ilythiirians. The dark elves were driven underground, and the epithet dhaerow would eventually change into drow.
  • 9200 BCE

    Fifth Crown War

    The fragile peace was shattered in -9,200 DR when the Corellon Larethian-mandated Elven Court decreed that the sun elf clan of Vyshaan was responsible for the thousands of years of war. The Vyshaantar Empire disputed the charges and madly declared war on everyone. Within 200 years, the ancient kingdom of Aryvandaar was no more.
  • 120 BCE

    Arrival of Humans

    Humans arrive in most Countries of Omis, seemingly out of this air. Creating settlements around all of Omis and quickly becoming one of the Continent's most powerful races.
  • 30 BCE

    Humans' rise of power

    The human race begin to amass more and more military power. The other races of Omis grow wary of a possibly approaching war.
  • 10 BCE

    The Calamity

    The human race declares war on all of the major races throughout Omis. Mercilessly killing millions in their warpath. Claiming over half of the elven forest of Tal'Yoriil. Pushing the dwarves out of their ancestral homeland of The Highlands and into the rolling hills of Arcau.
  • 9 BCE

    The Calamity (Continued)

    The halflings, who held dominion over the country of Cotrea, were lucky enough to be seen as entertaining through the eyes of the human king, Jerum Zorandis VII. The halflings assimilated into the human kingdom and began to lead lives as bards and merchants, under the service of King Zorandis.
  • 6 BCE

    The Calamity (Continued)

    The Orcs were the last nation to be attacked. The humans invaded their homeland of Utar 95% of the orc population was killed. The orcs were hunted relentlessly by human soldiers, being seen as "Abominations" in the eyes of the humans. The orcs were forced to become nomadic and close themselves off from the rest of the world to survive. For many years after the war, humans would still try to laughter any orc that they came across, leading to the near extinction of the race itself.
  • 5 BCE

    Repentance for Slaughter

    After witnessing the massacre of the Orcs, A large group of the human empire began to disagree with the king's actions. They ended up leaving the empire to find a new home, finally sailing north of the desert of Rikar and found the Rizan Empire.
  • 1 CE

    End of the Calamity

    Jerum Zorandis VII is poisoned in his sleep, passing away without even the chance to wake. Leaving his son, Damon Zorandis to take up the throne. However, Damon despised war and quickly pulled back his troops and ceased the war on the races. Ushering a new age of peace after years of bloodshed
  • 10

    Royal Lineage

    King Damon Zorandis and his wife give birth to 3 daughters: Anais, Alexandria, and Amara