Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of the Austria Hungary empire is assassinated by Serbian nationalists. This is the big spark to the start of the war. "Terrible! The Almighty cannot be provoked! A Higher Power has restored that order which unfortunately I was unable to maintain."- Emperor Franz Joseph -
The Great War begins
Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia after Serbia mobilizes. This leads to a domino effect of allies of both the countries joining their respective sides. In several months, sides have been taken and the war begins. "Alas DochIt has come after all)." - Emperor Franz Joseph -
Battle of Tennenberg
The battle of Tennenberg between Russia and Germany, takes place. The Russians lost the battle so horrificly that it was extremely hard to recover for the rest of war. "The Russian Army suffered a humiliating defeat. About half its force was lost."- History Textbook -
First Battle of Marne
First battle of Marne takes place. The French stop the Germans invading France. The battle lasts 5 days to September 10th. " My center is giving away, my right is retreating, situationan excellent, I am attacking."- Ferdinand Foch -
Unofficial Christmas Truce between the Allies and Central Powers
On the first Christmas of the war, both the sides exchange foods and treats and celebrate Christmas together. This truce only lasted for one day. "..It seemed too ironical for words. There, the night before we had been having a terrific battle and the morning after, there we were smoking their cigarettes and they smoking ours."- Stanley Weintraub -
U-boat sinks Lusitania
A German U-boat sinks Lusitania, a British ship. This involves 1,198 civilian deaths including 128 Americans. " There was only fifteen minutes from the time the ship was struck until she foundered, going down bow foremost. It was a dreadful sight"- Steward from the ship -
The Battle of Verdun Begins
The Battle of Verdun, the longest battle fought begins. With over a million casualties, the battle ends up being a draw. "IIs ne passeront pas"(They shall not pass)- Used by the French -
Battle of Jutland takes place
The Battle of Jutland, the only major naval battle in the war takes place. No clear winner was evident in the battle between German and English forces(both claimed themselves winners). "What Happened? The English were beaten. You have started a new chapter in world history." - Kaiser Wilhem II -
The Battle of Somme Begins
The Battle of Somme begins. This battle lasted 5 months, whien the Allies tried to breakthrough to win the war. No breakthrough was achievable, even though the British introduced tanks. Trenches were used as well.
'"The Trench was a horrible sight. The dead were stretched out on one side, one on top of each other six feat high. I thought at the time I should never get the peculiar disgusting smell of the vapour of warm human blood heated by the sun out of my nostrils." -Tommy Goes to War -
America declares war on Germany
President Woodrow Wilson of the United States asks the Congress to declare war on Germany. "The World must be a safe place for Democracy"- President Woodrow Wilson of United States