Timeline Of the Vikings

  • 860

    Harald Fairhair becomes king

    Harald Fairhair becomes king
    The son of Halvdan the Black, ruler of part of southeastern Norway and a scion of the Yngling dynasty, the ancient royal house of Sweden, Harald succeeded his father at the age of 10. His first conquest came with the suppression of a revolt in the Uplands region. A pact with Haakon, earl of Lade, enabled him to pursue the conquest of the western districts, culminating in the battle of Hafrsfjord, dated 872 by medieval historians but placed 10 to 20 years later by modern historians.
  • 900

    Danelaw was established for Vikings

    Danelaw was established for Vikings
    The Danelaw was established as a result of King Alfred the Great's efforts to avoid further Viking raids in the Anglian Kingdom of Wessex. He proceeded by ceding lands to the Danes who then engaged primarily in trade and built settlements. It is also known that the Danelaw consisted of fifteen shires.
  • 1000

    10th century – The Second Viking Age.

  • 1010

    1010 - Viking explorer Thorfinn Karlsefni attempts to found a settlement in North America.

  • 1016

    1016 - Olav II regains Norway from the Danes

  • 1028

    1028 - Knut (Canute), king of England and Denmark, conquers Norway.

  • 1042

    1042 - Edward the Confessor rules England with the support of the Danes

  • 1050

    1050 - The city of Oslo is founded in Norway

  • 1066

    1066 - William duke of Normandy defeats the Saxon king Harold at the Battle of Hastings.