
Timeline Of the Vikings

By hhopp
  • 789

    Vikings begin their attack on England

  • 850

    Harald Fairhair is born

  • 885

    Harald Fairhair becomes King of Norway

  • 900

    The Vikings raid along the Mediterranean coast.

  • 911

    The Viking chief Rollo is granted land by the Franks and founds Normandy in France.

  • 930

    Harald Fairhair's reign comes to an end

  • 932

    Harald Fairhair dies

  • 981

    Viking leader Erik the Red discovers Greenland.

  • 991

    Æthelred II pays the first Danegeld ransom to stop Danish attacks on England.

  • 995

    Olav I conquers Norway and proclaims it a Christian kingdom.

  • 1000

    Christianity reaches Greenland and Iceland.

  • 1000

    Norway is ruled by the Danes.

  • 1002

    Brian Boru defeats the Norse and becomes the king of Ireland.

  • 1010

    Viking explorer Thorfinn Karlsefni attempts to found a settlement in North America.

  • 1013

    The Danes conquer England; Æthelred flees to Normandy.

  • 1015

    Vikings abandon the Vinland settlement on the coast of North America.

  • 1016

    Olav II regains Norway from the Danes.

  • 1028

    Knut (Canute), king of England and Denmark, conquers Norway.

  • 1042

    Edward the Confessor rules England with the support of the Danes.

  • 1050

    The city of Oslo is founded in Norway.

  • 1066

    Harold Godwinson king of England defeats Harald Hardrada king of Norway at the Battle of Stamford Bridge

  • 1066

    William duke of Normandy defeats the Saxon king Harold at the Battle of Hastings.