The Pantelegraph
Scientists found a way to transfer images through wires. -
This could transfer sound. -
Multiple Images
Scientists figured out a way to send multiple pictures through wires. -
The first Television
The first television was successfully demonstrated in San Fransisco. It was in black and white. -
T.V Stations
The first T.V station was created. It was named W3XK. -
Moving Picture
Scientists found a way to capture objects in motion which paved the way for movies and shows. The first long distance television test ran between Washington D.C. and New York. -
The First Television Station
The first television network was developed called CBS. -
CATV delivered a via coaxial cable. -
The first color t.v was developed. -
Wireless Remote
called the space command and allowed people to change channels and turn the t.v on and off. -
The Revolution
When Neil Armstrong landed on the moon televisns captured the moment and the whole world was watching.The t.v revolution had begun. -
Home videotaping that allowed people to watch movies and record shows. -
Flat Screen
The flat screen t.v is released. -
The DVD discs and players provided far superior picture and sound quality and more DVD extras. -
High Definition Television.