
timeline of the spartans

By 825885
  • 480 BCE

    battle of thermopylae

    battle of thermopylae
    This battle took place in central grace at the mountain pass of Thermopylae. It was a battle between the Greeks and the Persians. The Greeks where betrayed in the battle and the Persians where able to flank them and end up sending the main army into a retreat. and this was before the major two wars that happens between the Spartans and the Persians and it really just the start of the fighting between them for years to come.
  • 478 BCE

    Athenian general Cimon defeats Spartan general Pausanias and takes Byzantium.

    Athenian general Cimon defeats Spartan general Pausanias and takes Byzantium.
    The general of the Athenian army defeated and pushed spartan troops out of Byzantium. byzantium is located in the northern part of Greece, in present day turkey. Later in time it was a good spot to hold off the persians
  • 464 BCE

    Earthquake in Sparta, followed by slave revolt. Surrender of Thasos.

    Earthquake in Sparta, followed by slave revolt. Surrender of Thasos.
    Sparta experienced a massive earthquake that ended around 20,000 people and destroyed most of the architecture. this gave way to a slave revolt in Sparta not only because the Spartans where weekend from the earthquake but because they had to focused on rebuilding. the Spartans also went to Athens to ask for help and they dismissed them putting more tension between them.
  • 459 BCE

    First Peloponnesian War Starts

    First Peloponnesian War Starts
    This was the start of the 15 year conflict between Sparta and Athens. the Spartans were fighting to free states from the athenians because they thought that they were forced to be under their control. The athenas banded together to protect themselves from the Persians.
  • 457 BCE

    Sparta wins the battle of Tanagra

    Sparta wins the battle of Tanagra
    Sparta had 11,500 troops and Athens had 14,000. there was major casualties on both sides but Sparta ended up winning the fight. though there is no details about this battle we do know that the Athens had help of 1,000 argos and Sparta had 1,500 Spartans with 10,000 hoplites.
  • 451 BCE

    Sparta and Argos sign a peace treaty

    Sparta and Argos sign a peace treaty
    this is the peace treaty that ends the first Peloponnesian war. Sparta and Athens both came together after all the fighting and signed this treaty. It lasted around 30 years and was intended to prevent another war from starting.
  • 432 BCE

    Sparta declares that Athens has broken the Thirty Year Peace and prepares for war.

    Sparta declares that Athens has broken the Thirty Year Peace and prepares for war.
    the Athens gained lots of wealth and resorson Dering there time of peace.Then the Athens attacked potidaea, which was listed as an ally but also a colline. this prompted the Spartans to declare that the Athens had broken the peace treaty because they attacked so they declared war.
  • 431 BCE

    The 2nd Peloponnesian War Starts

  • 429 BCE

    Peloponnesian forces led by Sparta begin the siege of Plataea

  • 427 BCE

    Plataea finally falls to the Spartans after a two year siege.

  • 424 BCE

    Spartan general Brasidas takes Amphipolis, Thucydides failed to prevent this and is exiled.

  • 420 BCE

    Spartan general Brasidas dies of his wounds at Amphipolis.

  • 417 BCE

    Sparta is excluded from the Olympic Games for breaking the ekecheiria or sacred truce.

  • 417 BCE

    Sparta is excluded from the Olympic Games for breaking the ekecheiria or sacred truce.

  • 413 BCE

    Sparta, led by Agis II, defeats Argos and her allies at the battle of Mantinaea.

  • 410 BCE

    Rhodes revolts against Athens and supports Sparta in the Peloponnesian War.

  • 404 BCE

    End of the Peloponnesian war, Athens defeated By Sparta at Aegospotami, Rule of the Thirty Tyrants in Athens

  • 395 BCE

    The Corinthian Wars between Sparta and an alliance of Athens starts

  • 395 BCE

    The Corinthian Wars between Sparta and an alliance of Athens starts

  • 384 BCE

    The Corinthian Wars between Sparta and an alliance of Athens ends