Timeline of the Revolutions of the Enlightenment

  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Thinkers

    During this time period the Enlightenment thinkers shared there ideas to make the government better and more successful. Men and women started to hold meetings as a way to share ideas and beliefs about the government. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-worldhistory/chapter/enlightenment-thinkers/
  • Publication of the Spirit of Laws

    Publication of the Spirit of Laws
    In 1748 Charles de Secondat and Baron de Montesquieu created the Spirit of Laws which is a treatise on political theory as well as pioneering work in comparative law.
  • King Louis XVI becomes king

    King Louis XVI becomes king
    Louis XVI became king in 1774 to succeed his grand fathers carer of being king. He encountered financial problems with France so he made his citizen pay higher taxes which they did not like doing.
  • Estates general meets

    Estates general meets
    After king Louis becomes king he raises the taxes and people became angry. For the first time in over 100 years the estates got together to discuss what has been happening recently and what to do.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    King Louis raised the taxes on items being sold to bring in more money to the government. The people of France were not fond of this idea since a lot of people could not afford paying all of the money. King Louis ended up getting arrested and later on executed. With no one ruling the government Robespierre stepped up. He started to execute many people in hope that it would help fix the government but the people had him arrested too.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    When Louis XVI was king he raised the taxes. People got angered by this and went back to representing estates which had not been done in over 100 years. They represented the 3rd estate and when they were going to hold a meeting and create a new constitution king Louis locked them out of the courthouse. That did not stop them so they broke into an abandoned tennis quart and made an oath to not leave until they devolved a new constitution.
  • The storming of the Bastille

    The storming of the Bastille
    When king Louis XVI hired the Swiss guard it alarmed the people of France and they thought there were getting attacked. They had no weapons so the stormed a prison, Bastille, for gun powder and weapons.
  • Publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man.

    Publication of the Declaration of the Rights of Man.
    After the tennis court oath, the declaration was finally published and the natural rights of man where returned and the taxes were lowered. King Louis fled the country and got arrested.
  • Period: to

    Haitian Revolution

    In the later 1700's on the island of Hispaniola there were so many slaves that they created there own colony to make a rebellion against the French for freedom and control.
  • Slaves rise up on Northern plantation on St. Domingue

    Slaves rise up on Northern plantation on St. Domingue
    On the island of St. Domingue there were enough slaves to start a colony, so they did. They were being ruled by the French and Spanish. There were 700,000 slaves brought to this land for sugar production. They organized a rebellion and sided with France to end slavery.
  • King Louis XVI Execution.

    King Louis XVI Execution.
    With King Louis raising the taxes people were getting angered. They were not able to afford buying necessary things such as food. People tried to sign constitutions to break this new law but the king did everything he could to stop it. He eventually ended up getting arrested and executed.
  • Region of terror begins

    Region of terror begins
    After King Louis XVI died the region of terror began where Robespierre decided in order to make the government better he would have to execute thousands of people.
  • The directory takes control

    The directory takes control
    After the region of terror a new constitution formed electing five people called the directory. They overcame and restored order to France after all of the recent events.
  • L'Ouverture and Rigaud

    L'Ouverture and Rigaud
    L'Ouverture and Rigaud were fighting for control over St. Domingue for control. L'Ouverture and his poor former slaves fought against Riguad and his well educated wealthier slaves. This war lasted for over a year and L'Ouverture with the help from the English defeated Riguad who then fled to exile.
  • Toussaint L’Ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St. Domingue and is declared Governor for Life

    Toussaint L’Ouverture proclaims a new constitution in St. Domingue and is declared Governor for Life
    L'Overture and his army were the ones to fight off the Spanish so when the colony was created they decided that L'Overture should be the governor for life.
  • Dessalines proclaims Hataitis independance

    Dessalines proclaims Hataitis independance
    The slaves on St. Domingue rose up to rebel Spanish control. It was around 500,000 slaves against the Spanish army, they ended up chasing the Spanish out and creating there own colony.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutions of Latin and South America

    Latin and south America wanted to be free from Spanish control. Spain colonized these regions and developed a complex society. Creoles pushed for freedom from Spain, they got the opportunity when Napoleon invaded Spain. Other people pushed for this too but stopped when they realized that slavery would end if they win. Simon Bolivar finally led Spain out of Caracas.
  • Mexico declares independence from Spain

    Mexico declares independence from Spain
    Mexico was originally controlled by Spain. People did not like the laws and slavery to they planned to get out of Spain's control. People joined them because they liked the idea but many people backed out when they heard they they were planning on getting rid of slavery. They were led to victory and were out of Spain's control.
  • Simon Bolivar

    Simon Bolivar
    Simon Bolivar help Mexico gain its freedom. He had to flee the country twice for exile. He decided to lead his army over the Andes mountains and attack the Spanish. He successfully defeated them and took on the nickname the Liberator as he also drove the Spanish army out of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.
  • Battle of Boyaca

    Battle of Boyaca
    During the war of Latin America, there was an encounter near Boyaca that resulted in a victory with the South Americans over the Spanish and freed new Granada.
  • Battle of Chacabuco

    Battle of Chacabuco
    During the Latin America war of independence a victory was won by the South american patriots over the Spanish. It began at the Spaniards of Chile and ended the next year at battle of maipu.
  • Peru declares independence

    Peru declares independence
    Peru declared independence because they were lacking power to attack the Spanish forces. Simon Bolivar lead Peru to there independence.
  • Gran Columbia Formed

    Gran Columbia Formed
    After Simon Bolivar fought off all of the Spanish army, he formed Gran Columbia to unite all of the regions he freed during his expedition.