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Timeline of the process and engines during the Industrial Revolution

By maiissa
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    Thomas Newcomen

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    Abraham Darby

  • process of using a coke fueled furnace by Abraham Darby

    process of using a coke fueled furnace by Abraham Darby
    It produce cheapier and easier cast iron by melting it.
  • steam engine by Thomas Newcomen

    steam engine by Thomas Newcomen
    It's an engine which was used primarily to pump water out of mines
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    James Hargreaves

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    James Watt

    scottish inventor
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    Edmund Cartwright

    British inventor
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    James Hargreaves

    british inventor
  • Improved steam engine by James Watt

    Improved steam engine by James Watt
    It's the improvation of Newcomen's engine which is smaller and using less coal. It turns heat into motion
  • Spinning jenny by James Hargreaves

    Spinning jenny by James Hargreaves
    It's an engine which produces multiple spools of thread simultaneously.
  • Spinning mule by Samuel Compton

    Spinning mule by Samuel Compton
    It's the improvation of the spinning jenny which also produces multiple spools of thread simultaneously but using a mule.
  • Power loom by Edmund Cartwright

    Power loom by Edmund Cartwright
    It's an engine that mechanized the process of weaving clothes
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    Henry Bessemer

    British engineer
  • Bessemer Process of mass-producing steel

    Bessemer Process of mass-producing steel
    It's an inexpensive process for mass producing steel that exploit the heat generated by chemical reactions to maintain the molten metal mass.