first computers to communicate with each other
using packet switching technology two computers at the MIT Lincoln lab communicate -
first communication network
four major US universities establish connections for the event of a millitary attack -
electronic mail is introduced using "@" to distinguish the user and network name -
IP adresses
IP addresses are designed to distinguish computers from each other -
the word internet is used for the first time -
Domain Name Systems
DNS are established to identify extentions such as .com, .org and .edu -
a virus known as the internet worm shuts down 10% of the internet -
the world wide web is developed as a new way to source resources and information using hyperlinks -
gopher interface
the gopher interface is developed and becomes the most popular interface on the world wide web -
advertising campaigns go online bring the word spam into the dictionary -
the programming language Java is created -
45, 000, 000
45 million people start using the internet mostly from the US -
internet traffic
internet traffic records are broken as NASA releases images taken by the pathfinder on mars. 46 million hits in one day -
google opens its first office in California -
mp3 files become swap able over the internet -
myspace is launched -
150, 000, 000
150 million people start using the internet