First satellite
The Soviet Union launched the first satellite it was named Sputnik. Causing the U.S. president to create the ARPA agency to stay ahead in technology. -
ARPANET went live and the first communications between Leonard Kleinrock’s research center and Douglass Engelbarts’s center. -
E-mail invented
E-mail was invented by a man named Ray Tomlinson. He lived and worked Cambridge Mass. -
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol was designed to help communication over the web. -
First use of the term “Internet” is used. -
E-mail popular
E-mail becomes the standard for communicating from computer to computer over the internet. -
Advertisments and E-mail
Presidential candidate Jimmy Carter and running mate use E-mail for campaign and queen Elizabeth is the first leader to send e-mail. -
DNS is connected with network addresses for extensions such as .com .org .edu or .gov -
Major virus
A virus shuts down 10% of the world’s internet services it was called the internet worm. -
The ARPANET retired and transferred to the NSFNET. -
Peter Deutsch he created Archie an archive of FTP sites this is the first time any one tried to index the internet. -
College student Shawn Fanning invents Napster, a computer application that allows users to swap music over the Internet. -
Marc Anderson developed the Mosaic for supercomputing it becomes the dominant navigating system. -
White House
A new website is launched by the white house it is called www.whitehouse.gov. Mass marketing campaigns are launched via email. This introduces a new term of spamming. -
Dial up
CompuServe, America Online, and Prodigy start providing dial-up Internet access. Sun Microsystems releases the Internet programming language called Java. The Vatican launches its own website. -
Households with computers
About 44% of U.S. houses have a computer. -
Big hits
Internet traffic records are broken 46 million hits in one day. -
Google starts up and opens its first office in California. -
Illegal Music
It is recorded that internet users illegally download 2.6 billion music files. -
Internet Worm
Internet worm called MyDoom infected 1 in 12 emails. -
YouTube is launched. -
96 million websites are live. -
Music Legal
Legal music download tripled to 6.7 million downloads a week. -
Microsoft buy's Yahoo
To challenge Google's dominance of search and advertising on the Internet, software giant Microsoft offers to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion. -
In January congress tries to pass a bill to stop illegal downloading but they are afraid it will give media companies too much power.