The Steam Engine is invented
Thomas Newcomen invents the steam engine sometime in 1712. -
The Spinning Jenny is invented
James Hargreaves invents the Spinning Jenny sometime in 1764. -
Steam Engine is improved
James Watt improves the Steam Engine sometime in 1769. -
Cotton Gin patented
Eli Whitney patents the Cotton Gin. -
Telegraph invented
Samuel Morse invents the Telegraph sometime in 1844. -
Sewing Machine invented
Elias Howe invents the Sewing Machine sometime in 1846. -
Bessemer Method for processing steel is invented
Henry Bessemer invents a way to make steel out of iron in January of 1855. -
Dynamite created
Alfred Nobel creates dynamite. -
Vaccines developed for diseases
Loius Pasteur develops some of the first vaccines in the January of 1870. -
Telephone patented
Alexander Grahm Bell patents the Telephone in March of 1876. -
FIrst practical lightbulb
Thomas Edison uses a lightbulb to light a lamp in October of 1879. -
Brooklyn Bridge opens
When it opened in May of 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge was the longest suspension bridge in the world. -
First powered airplane flight
Orville Wright creates the first powered flight in December of 1903. -
Model T created
Henry Ford creates the Model T in October of !908. Video: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=video&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCQQuAIwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.history.com%2Ftopics%2Fmodel-t%2Fvideos&ei=KFEgVK_DDcWWyASUrYCoBQ&usg=AFQjCNFmzmyiPkKWLlwr4wdm-pfYbAcfVg&bvm=bv.75775273,d.aWw