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Timeline of the Industrial Revolution

  • Spinning Jenny is created

    Spinning Jenny is created
    James Hargreaves creates the spinning Jenny, which makes the production of yarn much quicker.
  • Steam engine is now more efficient

    Steam engine is now more efficient
    James Watt creates an efficient steam engine which is able to power technical machinery, and becomes a useful power source for future inventions like steam boats and trains
  • American Declaration of Independance

    American Declaration of Independance
    The Declaration of Independence is signed, which officially proclaims America as an independent nation and no longer under British law.
  • The spinning mule is invented

    The spinning mule is invented
    The spinning mule is invented by Samuel Crompton, it is a machine that spins cotton and other fibres
  • Power loom is invented

    Power loom is invented
    The power loom weaves threads into cloth and was created by Edward Cartwright.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    This was when the citizens of France revolted against the monarchy, and it had a huge impact of France and basically all of Europe as French society completely changed.
  • Industrial revolution spreads to America

    Industrial revolution spreads to America
    The industrial revolution travels to America after the first textile mill is opened by Samuel Cartwright
  • The very first steamship has been developed

    The very first steamship has been developed
    The very first steamship has been developed by an American Robert Fulton, and it goes through many improvements over the next century.
  • Steel plow is invented

    Steel plow is invented
    The steel plow was invented by John Deere, it was used for farming to break up tough soil. It sped up the efficiency of farming.
  • The telegraph is invented

    The telegraph is invented
    Samuel Morse invents the telegraph which improves long distance communicating.
  • California gold rush begins

    California gold rush begins
    Gold is discovered in California, so people from all over the world fled to California in hopes to become rich.
  • Internal combustion machine is invented

    Internal combustion machine is invented
    Belgian engineer Etienne Lenoir developed the internal combustion machine so that it could be used for smaller vehicles and businesses since the steam engine was quite large
  • The telephone is patented

    The telephone is patented
    Alexander Graham Bell patents the telephone, which is the first invention to actually allow people to communicate without letters or telegraphs
  • The first plane was invented

    The first plane was invented
    Oliver and Wilbur Wright invent the first plane, which allows people to travel long distances overseas without steamships
  • An assembly line is used for the first time

    An assembly line is used for the first time
    An assembly line is used by Henry Ford to produce the Ford Model T and it is still used today as it is a very quick and efficient way of producing objects.
  • WW1 begins

    WW1 begins
    World War one begins in 1914, and it is the biggest war that the world has seen and made huge impacts on society.