World history

Timeline of the History of the World c/o 2022

  • Period: 800 BCE to 146 BCE

    Age of Ancient Greece

    The Age of Ancient Greece was the time that Greece had control over the world. The greeks got larger and larger each day because of the constant fighting and invading of other lands.
  • Period: 146 BCE to 476

    Age of Ancient Rome

    The Age of Ancient Rome was when Rome was the capital of the world. Rome was very similar to the past leader of the world, Greece, with sharing gods, sharing old methods created by the greek, and using the same found inspiration to find new ideas, and create new things. Rome started as a Republic system, but then became an Empire with the death of Julius Caesar.
  • 44 BCE

    The Death of Julius Caesar

    The Death of Julius Caesar
    The Death of Julius Caesar was one of, if not the most important parts of Ancient Rome. Julius Caesar was slowly turning a republic into an Empire. Over the time that Julius Caesar was becoming more and more powerful, making it harder for the Senate to get rid of him. On the Ides of March, March 15, in 44 BC, Julius Caesar was assassinated by the senate because of the fear that he would become too powerful, unfortunately, this only set up an Empire for the next leader.
  • 2 BCE

    The Birth of Jesus Christ

    The Birth of Jesus Christ
    The Birth of Jesus is the most important event in history. The day Jesus was born, commonly known as December 25, was the day that the Virgin Mary and Joseph made it to a stable in Bethlehem, and the Son of God was born. At the time, Rome was an Empire under Caesar Augustus. The Birth of Jesus marks 0 AD in time, making this the first year of Anno Domini, or the year of our Lord.
  • 285

    Roman Empire Splitting

    Roman Empire Splitting
    This event in history was the end of a great era and empire. Under diocletian, the roman empire was
    split into two. In 285, the empire had grown to such great numbers and there was so much land that it
    wasn’t realistic to govern it all from one place. Diolectian wanted to rule over the western half of the
    empire while his co-emperor took over the east side. This then led to the fall of the western roman
    empire in 476 AD.
  • 330

    Byzantine Civilization Period

    Byzantine Civilization Period
    The Byzantine Empire was founded by the Roman emperor Constantine I after the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 276 A.D. Constantinople was the capital city. It had an excellent natural harbor, straddled on the border between Europe and Asia, linking trade between west and east. Justinian I was the first great ruler of the Byzantine Empire who saved the Empire from revolts and refined the legal system of Rome.
  • 476

    The Fall of the Roman Empire

    The Fall of the Roman Empire
    The division of the empire made it loose some power and the land was still a vast
    amount to rule over. The germanic leader, Odoacer, invaded the empire and ended the rule of this
    significant and powerful empire.
  • 601

    Founding of Islam

    Founding of Islam
    The religion of Islam began in the Arabian desert. In 565 AD Muhammad claimed to be the prophet of the God Allah who was sent to reveal their faith to mankind. The words Islam means the submission to the will of Allah and Arabic. The followers of Islam was named Muslims and was known as the one who has submitted. The main book of Islam is the koran. It contains some basic information that is found in the Hebrew Bible as well as revelations that were given to Muhammad.
  • 1095

    The Crusades

    The Crusades
    The Crusades were a religious war between Muslims and Christians. They both wanted to control areas that were considered sacred to both religions. There were eight major crusade conflicts. It all started when the Pope called the Christians to help the Byzantines to take back their Holy Land from the Muslims. Towards the ending of the Crusades the goal was to fight anyone and everyone who was an enemy to the Christian religion.
  • Period: 1300 to

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance is the period of time that the humanities and the arts of human society were on a rise from its decline in the middle ages. This rise started because people started to take notice of the age of antiquity which was in the time of Ancient Greece. This period of time is believed to have started in the 1300s and ended in the 1600s. It is said that the birthplace of the movement was in the Italy city of Florence. This gave birth to many beautiful art pieces such as The Sistine chapel.
  • 1342

    The Black Death Period

    The Black Death Period
    The Black Death was a devastating epidemic that killed 50-60% of the population of Europe. This plague originated from wild rodents’ bacteria this is called the point of focus where everything started. Symptoms include fever and chills, extreme weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding from your mouth, nose, under the skin, and blackening of your tissues where your toes and fingers are.
  • 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
    The Printing Press had a huge influence and became one of the most important inventions. It drastically changed a lot of things including spreading beliefs, Protestantism practices, and education. This invention gave more opportunities for the poor to be able to have a chance to read. Johannes Gutenberg is known to be the one that invented the Printing Press. The Printing Press was very life-changing due to the ability of it being movable which is very convenient for sharing information.
  • 1492

    Columbus Discovers America

    Columbus Discovers America
    Columbus led his 3 ships, the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María, out of the Spanish port of Palos on August 3, 1492. He wanted to sail west until he reached Asia, where he believed riches of gold, pearls, and spices were. Columbus’ first stop was Canary Island. While sailing the seas, the wind started to push him westward, and this made his trip last until September 9th. His trip was way longer than he expected. He would journal every day and all of his trips, but in the end, it was lost.
  • 1497

    Portuguese sail around India

    Portuguese sail around India
    East/ He reached India in May of 1948. There were only four ships used. On the first voyage, the men ended up in Mozambique but were not welcomed. Then they went to modern-day Kenya and stayed there. When they reached Calicut, India the sailors were welcomed, but soon Muslim traders did not want the men there and they left. Another voyage in 1502 had twenty ships, but the trip was all destruction.
  • 1500

    Scientific Revolution

    Scientific Revolution
    The scientific revolution revolutionized the field of science, math, astronomy and many more. It began with Nicholaus Copernicus who said the Earth rotated around the sun and ended with Isaac NEwton with the laws of Thermodynamics. information and knowledge spread quickly as books were becoming more accessible through the printing press. These events were part of the Renaissance, without which the modern world would cease to exist as of right now. 1500-1700 A.D.
  • 1517

    95 Thesis

    95 Thesis
    Martin Luther in 1517 Luther wrote a document attacking the Catholic Church’s corrupt practice of selling “indulgences” to forgive sin. His “95 Theses,” which had two main beliefs: that the Bible has all authority and that people may reach salvation through faith and not by works. During this time, the people began questioning the authority of the Catholic church and so the protestant church was founded.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious revolution was a period of time between 1688 and 89. This time period saw the overthrow of the Catholic king James II. Motives for the revolution included both political and religious concerns. The event changed how England was governed, giving Parliament more power over the monarchy and would bear fruit through early democracy.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    When the British began tightening their control over the New England Colonies the Revolutionary War was fought to gain independence from the British. The British had many advantages in the war, however, excellent leadership by George Washington; the aid of such European nations as France; and tactical errors by British commanders contributed to the American victory.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The French Revolution began when revolutionaries stormed a prison called the Bastille. This group soon took control of the country. During the Reign of Terror, a man named Robespierre led the Committee of Public Safety, and anyone suspected of treason could be arrested and executed by guillotine. A lot of people were executed including Queen Marie Antoinette. The French Revolution completely put an end to the French monarchy, and took political power from the Catholic church.
  • First Opium War

    First Opium War
    This was fought over trade and diplomatic status. The British was illegally exporting opium from India to China in the 18th century. The result of addiction in China caused some major disruption. In 1839, the Chinese Government destroyed over 20,000 chests of opium at the British merchants. Then the British started to kill the Chinese. The warships destroyed a Chinese blockade at the Pearl River in Hong Kong. The war ended in peace. The Treaty of Nanjing demanded 20 million paid to the British.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution began sometime around 1800. This started when society started building factories and started coming up with concepts like mass production. Things like this changed the way people thought about what was possible. So many things were invented because they were easy to produce. Things like the light bulb and the sewing machine. For a revolution like this, they needed a better cheaper type of power so they came up with steam for locomotives and engines.
  • Second Opium War

    Second Opium War
    The British were wanting to extend their trading rights. In 1856 a Chinese Commission boarded a British Ship. He arrested the illegal Chinese members there. Later, a British warship began bombarding Canton and captured forts on the Pearl River. The French joined the British and began military operations, captured Canton, and deposing the city’s governor. It all ended in the Treaty of Tientsin, forcing the Chinese to pay reparations, legalizing the opium trade, and the rights to foreign travel.
  • Industrialization to Imperialism to World Wars

    Industrialization to Imperialism to World Wars
    Since they are manufacturing goods at such high rates with industrialization they also need a constant flow of materials. Since England has not a lot of resources they have to get them from other places. They came up with imperialization which is taking other countries over and then you can have the resources for free. With all these new countries like England could create an empire but places like Germany wanted to have empires too so they went to war with the empires to get there own.
  • Berlin Conference: Colonization of Africa

    Berlin Conference: Colonization of Africa
    A series of negotiations between European powers and the United States dividing up Africa fairly, but Africa had no say in decisions made. They would sit with a map of Africa, dividing it up and talking overall gain. Free trade along the Niger and Congo River was agreed on, and by the end of the Conference, 90% of Africa was colonized by Europeans. This was unfair for Africans whose culture and way of living was taken from them. New education and religion was forced at them.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

    World War I was an event that took the entire world by storm, never before had the world seen a war so large that spread out to so many countries. It originated in Europe, but due to the influences of imperialism, many other countries and cultures were roped into it. The main sides were the ‘Triple Allies’ and the ‘Triple Entente’ and it resulted in a victory for the Triple Allies. This was the first of 2 great wars, and it only set up the second one further.
  • Russian Bolshevik Revolution

    Russian Bolshevik Revolution
    By the early 1900s, Russia was making itself known for being one of the most impoverished countries in the world. Meaning that there was so much poverty and minority compared to the rich, that the whole world started to acknowledge their decline. Many were sick of the horrible treatment of the Czar, that they resulted in a revolt. This revolt paved the way for modern communism and what it looks like today.
  • Russian Bolshevik Revolution

    By the early 1900s, Russia was making itself known for being one of the most impoverished countries in the world. Meaning that there was so much poverty and minority compared to the rich, that the whole world started to acknowledge their decline. Many were sick of the horrible treatment of the Czar, that they resulted in a revolt. This revolt paved the way for modern communism and what it looks like today.
  • Period: to

    Chinese Civil War Begins

    China split into two different groups after the Qing Dynasty Which is CPC and the KMT. Both groups wanted to take over China so they decided to start a war known as the Chinese Civil war. There are 3 different encirclement campaigns and wars that affect the most and the second one highly affects the whole plan for KMT because they put in a lot of effect and over 200 thousand soldiers to fight, even though CPC raided them and won the fight with a lot of loot.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression happened in china in the year of 1930s, China overproduction goods which make all the goods are no need by the markets and people choose to buy foreign imports because china increase foreign imports during the Great Depression and it makes everyone poor especially farmers, even that China decided to developed more on industrial which helped them to went through the Great Depression
  • Period: to

    World War 2

    The Second World War was fought between the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) and the Allied Powers (Britain, United States, Soviet Union, France) in the years of 1939-1945. It was won by the Allied Powers, after the surrendering of Nazi Germany and the bombing of Japan. It was the deadliest conflict in human history, with around 70 million people killed. From this, the United States and the Soviet Union rose to be the new superpowers of the world.
  • The formation of the IBRD World Bank

    The formation of the IBRD World Bank
    The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development was established in 1944 and began to refinance the reconstruction of European nations that were demolished in the events of WWII. After this initial mission was accomplished, the IBRD World Bank committed to expanding and advancing world wide economic development and removing poverty (this led to the membership of 189 countries). The funding of infrastructure projects, education, and healthcare are found within the bank’s mandate as well.
  • European Imperialism Collapses

    Between 1945 and 1960, new states in Asia and Africa achieved independence from their European colonial rulers. A few newly independent countries have acquired stable governments almost immediately; many were ruled by dictators or military juntas for decades, or have faced long civil wars. Decolonization coincided with the new Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States and the early establishment of the United Nations.
  • European Imperialism Collapses

    European Imperialism Collapses
    Between 1945 and 1960, new states in Asia and Africa achieved independence from their European colonial rulers. A few newly independent countries have acquired stable governments almost immediately; many were ruled by dictators or military juntas for decades, or have faced long civil wars. Decolonization coincided with the new Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States and the early establishment of the United Nations.
  • Formation of the United Nations

    Formation of the United Nations
    The United Nations, formed on October 24th of 1945, immediately followed the end of WWII. This group was formed to serve as an international peacekeeping organization. This group resolved conflicts and maintained security between nations. Due to the ineffectiveness of the League of Nations, the United Nations was created to replace this group and build relations with nations. This relation would lead to the solving of economic, cultural, international, and social issues.
  • The Formation of the International Monetary Fund

    The Formation of the International Monetary Fund
    The International Monetary Fund is an agency that was founded at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944. The IMF is headed by a board of governors that represents the organization's 180 states.
    This organization was invented to deal with the huge economic and physical destruction in Europe and the Great Depression. Both of these worked through economic devastation in Europe and the United States. They desired to create the IMF so that it would stabilize currency exchange rates.
  • The Partition of India

    The Partition of India
    The Partition of India took place in British Raj, India and Pakistan on August 15th, 1947. It was the division of two independent dominion countries which were India and Pakistan, by an act of parliament of the United Kingdom. The result of this was the Partition of the British Indian Empire being split into independent dominions and deaths from about 200,000 to 2 million. The self-governing country the “British Raj” was now legally allowed to become existence.
  • Communism wins the Chinese Civil War

    Communism wins the Chinese Civil War
    The Chinese Civil War was fought between both, the Nationalists, and the Communists. During this time, there were leaders of each group. Chiang Kai- shek was the leader for the Nationalists. Mao Zedong was the leader of the Communists. Because of Japan's defeat, it created and set off tension between these two sides. The US backed up the Nationalists. The Communists were backed up by the Soviet Union. The US had given the Nationalists more soldiers. They loss, and evacuated to Taiwan.
  • NATO and Warsaw alliances formed

    NATO and Warsaw alliances formed
    NATO and the Warsaw Alliances were formed because of many reasons. First off, the communists had a big impact on the forming of NATO. During this time, the Warsaw Pact was being seen as a threat towards NATO. The Warsaw Pact was an opponent in the eyes of the NATO. Therefore, the two sides eventually came together. They both signed a pact. This pact would link them to work and destroy together.
  • Korean and Vietnam War

    Korean and Vietnam War
    The Korean War began when North Korean soldiers invaded Soviet Korean territories. The US supported South Korea for the three years that it lasted. The Vietnam War has been named the most unpopular war in all of history. Four US presidents involved over the course of 15 years (1960-1975). Like the Korean War the issue was a division; Communist North Vietnam and Russia against US backed South Vietnam. President Nixon called the US out in ‘75 and Communists took control of Saigon.
  • Period: to

    Africa Forms Modern Nations

    Due to Europe’s decline in colonization all across the globe, Africa’s territories gained independence. This independence allowed for an increase in economic growth. The events that followed this led to the formation of modern nations. Europe’s colonization of Africa had left the nations separated. In response, Africa began the Organization of African Unity-OAU in 1963 to provide a forum for the African heads of state. These decisions allowed Africa to form the modern nations they have today.
  • Fall of Soviet Union USSR

    Fall of Soviet Union USSR
    The collapse of the Soviet Union started when Gorbachev introduced glasnost. This destroyed anything Stalin-related in the whole USSR. The Velvet Revolution also contributed to the fall in November with riots, meetings, and public demonstrations in Czechoslovakia. The government’s economy was not strong enough to fight back and the “new” system began to work in its place. When countries began pulling out, Gorbachev resigned and signed an end to the Soviet Union.
  • The formation of the World Trade Organization

    The formation of the World Trade Organization
    The World Trade Organization was official on the 1st of January, 1995 when it was finally signed by 123 countries on the 15th of April, 1994. The WTO was under the Marrakesh Agreement. It replaced the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The WTO has played an important part in supporting economic development and promoting peaceful relations among nations. This is the largest economic international organization in the world.