Timeline of the French Revolutoun

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    France's government at the time was a monarchy controlled by Louis XVI, a ruler who failed to care for his people, so the people once they had enough of rough, and harsh conditions and living standards rose up against him.
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    The National Assembly

    The National Assembly was the first out of 5 governments tried during the revolution. The NA created a document and the first constitution before the National Convection took its place.
  • Storming Of the Bastille

    Lower class third estaters took to violence by storing the oppressing prison in their city, to tear down the symbol of oppression, free debters, and they hoped to obtain weapons
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    The National Convention

    The National Convention used the NA's constitution as a templet for their government but it did not work so well so they later formed the Directory
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    The Committee of Public Safety

    M. Robespierre creates the committee of public safety, it did the opposite of its name by beheading 30,000 internal enemies
  • Second Constitution Created

    After the fall of the NC, a new constitution was made that set up 5 chancellors to split power, this was used by the Directory.
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    The Directory

    The Directory was the government with 5 leaders, it lasted for four years but fell with a plague of corruptness and greed.
  • Napolean Takes Over

    Napolean took over The Directory, putting him self as head of his own government, France finally had stability for the first time in 10 years but it wouldn't last long.