Reign of terror hero h

Timeline of the French Revolution

  • Meeting of the Estate General

    Meeting of the Estate General
    France was in a financial crisis and King Louis XVI was out of ideas. He called a meeting of the Estates General to come up with a solution to the problem. He was the main person led to his fall power. The Estates General was the French version of a senate where the first, second, and third estates 1 time only got a vote.
  • Formation of the National Assembly

    Formation of the National Assembly
    one of the member in The Estate are determined to change the system and create a constitution that set out equal rights for all men. The group let Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes, tell every one themselves the National Assembly telling every one that they were the only group who represented the nation.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    they swore the Tennis Court Oath, vowing to stay put until they had created a constitution that placed power in the hands of the people. This signified the first time that French citizens formally stood.
  • Storming of the Bastille

     Storming of the Bastille
    About 600 angry Parisians attacked the Bastille and took control of this symbol of tyranny. This event inspired other French people to take up arms against the king and the nobility. Storming of Bastille became a nation list symbol for them
  • Abolition of Feudalism

    Abolition of Feudalism
    A small group of prepared a surprise move in the assembly with the abolishment of feudalism. A few liberal noblemen, by prearrangement, arose and surrendered their hunting rights, manors, properties, feudal and seigneurial privileges. All personal tax privileges were given up.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
    17 articles of the declaration set out these principles and became the basis of the new French constitution. It defined the individual and collective rights of all people.The declaration became the catechism of the Revolution in France.
  • Women march to Versailles and the outbreak of the Paris mob

    Women march to Versailles and the outbreak of the Paris mob
    The poor women of Paris still found that there was a considerable bread shortage and the prices were very high. Rumors had been spreading in Paris that the royals were hoarding all the grain. A hungry mob of 7,000 largely working-class women decided to march on the Versailles, taking with them weapons.
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    Civil Constitution of the Clergy
    Constituent Assembly confiscated church properties and also prohibited the taking of religious vows. They regarded the church as a form of public authority. This document went far toward setting up a French national church.
  • Louis XVI and his family attempt to flee paris

    Louis XVI and his family attempt to flee paris
    It was a significant episode in the French Revolution during which King Louis XVI of France and his immediate family were unsuccessful in their attempt to escape
  • First session of National Convention

    First session of National Convention
    The National Convention decreed assistance to "all peoples wishing to recover their liberty." It also ordered that French generals, in the occupied areas, should dissolve the old governments
  • Start of Reign of Terror

    Start of Reign of Terror
    Not everyone in France agreed with the way the revolution was being carried out. Many people were horrified by some brutal acts that were taking place and by the execution of the king and the queen.
  • Battle of the Pyramids

    Battle of the Pyramids
    Napoleon wins his Egyptian campaign with an army of 38,000. It was a battle fought between the French army in Egypt under Napoleon, and local forces.
  • Directory established

    Directory established
    The first formally constituted French Republic, known as the Directory, lasted only four years.