First amendment

Timeline of the First Amendment

  • Editors imprisoned under Alien and Sedition Acts

    Editors imprisoned under Alien and Sedition Acts
  • Efforts to stifle debate about slavery

    Efforts to stifle debate about slavery
  • The Sedition Act punishes critics of World War I

  • Limits to First Amendment recognized in cases of “clear and present danger”

  • American Civil Liberties Union Is Founded

    American Civil Liberties Union Is Founded
  • Congress Repeals the Sedition Acts

    Congress Repeals the Sedition Acts
  • No religious instruction in public schools

    No religious instruction in public schools
  • “Symbolic speech” is protected

    “Symbolic speech” is protected
  • Prayer not allowed in public schools

  • Supreme Court places limits on libel

    Supreme Court places limits on libel
  • Freedom of Information Act Passes

    Freedom of Information Act Passes
  • Money spent in political campaigns is considered “speech”

    Money spent in political campaigns is considered “speech”
  • Restrictions on religious items displayed around government buildings