Timeline of the Evolution of Artillary

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    First Catapult

    First Catapult
    Built around 400 B.C. it was launched like a ballista or a crossbow. This is was launched at the enemy instead of being lobbed. This later caused the creation of the Ballista. The catapult is mainly used for attacking cities
    Thadani, R. (2010, January 27). Catapult History. Buzzle.com. Retrieved from http://www.buzzle.com/articles/catapult-history.html
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    The Trebuchet was built a bit after the catapult and was the strongest weapon to launch on buildings at that time. It was mainly used for attacking.
    "Ancient Greek Artillery Technology from Catapults to the Architronio Canon." Ancient Greek Artillery Technology: From Catapults to the Architronio Canon. Micheal Lahanas, n.d..
  • Period: 100 to

    Artillary timespan

  • Cannons

    Cannons were invented in 1861 the cannons were shot at the enemies and did more damage than the trebuchet. The reason that there was nothing before here is because they kept on using the older versions because they did not have the technology to make any bigger guns.
    "The Civil War Artillery Projectile and Cannon Home Page." The Civil War Artillery Projectile and Cannon Home Page. N.p., n.d.
  • Mortars

    Mortars were built around 1908 they were fired at a 45 degree angle and were lobbed over people to hit the back row. They could be used in bunkers and other things. It exploded on impact and could be very harmful in bunkers.
    Firstworldwar.com. (n.d.). First World War.com. Retrieved from http://www.firstworldwar.com/weaponry/mortars.htm
  • Tanks

    Tanks were built around world war 1 and improved to be used in world war 2 they shot missles and were heavily armored so that almost nothing could destroy them.
    Tanks in World War II. (2012, May 10). Wikipedia. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanks_in_World_War_II
  • Z-10 Attack Helicopter

    Z-10 Attack Helicopter
    Attact helicopters were invented around the 2000’s this one was built in 2003 and this has helped warfare because instead of launching or going in a highly armored land vehicle we can now fly and shoot at people.
    Z-10. (n.d.). Attack Helicopter. Retrieved from http://www.military-today.com/helicopters/z10.htm