achieving significant reductions in PM2.5 . Sin
But projecting At least 20 additional years paragraph Reaching Air Quality Standards
established by the EPA -
The gases
evolution of emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide -
Urban Areas
In the Valley of Aburrá,
more than 90% of the population lives in urban areas (although Barbosa , Girardota and La Estrella
retain approximately 50% ) significant rural population , where they are exposed to bad
air quality and the main risks are associated with exposure to particulate matter
fine (PM2.5 ) and ozone -
Acute respiratory
Epidemiological studies , have shown direct relationships between conditions
Acute respiratory and PM10 particle concentration , leading to increased -
Diesel vehicles
The estimate of the larger contribution of diesel vehicles both for PST total particles and for PM10, provides an opportunity to assess the
impact of the cleanest fuel, which has just been spread by the competent authorities, in
order to distribute it in town starting from June 2008. -
Gas emissions
greenhouse gas emissions by source in the valley of boredom -
The improvement
the improvement of fuel quality , the result of an agreement made between the AVMA , Ecopetrol and the Mayor of Medellin under the pact on air quality. -
Historical number
historical comparison of the number of stations and equipment for payment of air quality -
Network Quality air
acid rain and maximum hourly and Eight hours of ozone concentraccion -
Perception homogeneous
However , the perception was not homogeneous by area , because while in the central-western area the average rating was 2.3 / 5 and the percentage of satisfied was 9 %, being the lowest of the city, in the Southeast area reached a rating of 2.7 / 5 and 22 % satisfied . -
The most critical
The most critical is the case between the Museum of Antioquia station where above 35 micrograms per cubic meter levels are presented . These concentrations exceed the Colombian air quality standard and are associated , according to WHO -
Although there is a high concentration of other emissions such as PM 10, which is a larger particle and can produce human hoarseness , allergies in the nose and bronchi , is particulate matter PM 2.5 by the World Organization Health , call protection actions . -
Air pollution
Measuring stations located in the city reported daily PM2.5 concentrations harmful to health in most cases .