Timeline of the Conquests of Alexander the Great

  • 334 BCE

    Alexander The Great and The Battle of Granicus

    Alexander The Great and The Battle of Granicus
    Alexander The Great wins the battle against Persia. During that time he oversaw almost 50,000 men. Once he won the battle he took the land
  • 332 BCE

    Alexander wishes to control Egypt

    Alexander wishes to control Egypt
    Alexander wishes to take control of Egypt and he does. He does this in order to expand his land. Over in Egypt he found Alexandria, one of the most successful cities he has built.
  • 331 BCE

    Alexander the Great Created a Phalanx

    Alexander the Great Created a Phalanx
    Alexander the Great created a Phalanx, which was a strong army that had men aligned up. Because of this, he created a strong army that was strong in defense
  • 326

    Alexander Wins the Battle of Hydaspes

    Alexander Wins the Battle of Hydaspes
    Alexander The Great wins the battle against King Porus in 326 BCE. In order to expand his empire he kills King Porus in order to win the world. Porus did bring war with elephants in order to scare Alexander's horses but that failed
  • 331

    Alexander Conquers Persia

    Alexander Conquers Persia
    Alexander the Great conquers Persia. He began war with the Persians in 334 BC. He was twenty two at the time. His specific goal was to conquer Asia but since his army was so strong he was able to take of Persia
  • 331

    Alexander The Great Conquers Babylon

    Alexander The Great Conquers Babylon
    Alexander The Great conquers Babylon once he finishes ruling over the Persian Empire. Alexander The Great thought it would be beneficial to rule over another area in order to greater widen his empire. The Babylons were a generally strong empire.
  • 331

    Battle with Darius II

    Battle with Darius II
    Battle that occurred In the eastern Mediterranean. Alexander won because the other army base did not have a strong navel base. Because of this conquer, he was able to build a bigger army.
  • 331

    Alexander The Great Controls most of Egypt At 25

    Alexander The Great Controls most of Egypt At 25
    Alexander The Great controls most of Egypt at the young age of 25. Ever since he was younger he has been studying to be a strong leader under his teacher. He ruled an expansive empire
  • 335

    Battle of Thebes

    Battle of Thebes
    Battle that took place in Thebes between Alexander the Great and the city of Thebes. Alexander succeeded by having a large army and was able to destroy the city
  • 336

    Alexander The Great Becomes King of Macadedomia

    Alexander The Great Becomes King of Macadedomia
    Alexander the Great becomes King of Macadedomia because his father dies. Alexander kills two Lyncestian brothers who were in line of the thrown as well. He kills them off in order to be King.