
Timeline of the Cold War

By FCM3196
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    Timeline of the Cold War

    The rivalry of the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, From the Post World War to the fall of Soviet Union in 1991
  • The Yalta Conference

    Conference between the major Allied powers leader which mark the beginning of the Cold War.
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    The Yalta Conference

    The beginning of the Cold War,
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    The Baby Boomers

    Named for the huge increase in U.S birthrates, coincided with the suburbanization of white America.
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Winston Churchill describes the devide in Eastern Europe and Western Europe upon post WWII
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    Voice of America Broadcast

    Foreign broadcast system to promote American propoganda and counter Cummunist Propoganda.
  • Truman Doctrine Announced

    Policy created to inhibit communist expansion.
  • Marshall Plan Enacted

    Policies to rehabilitate Western European powers after WWII.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Allied forces send humanitarian aid to Soviet occupied Berlin.
  • NATO Forms

    Treaty of Western allied nations for the promotion of peace.
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    The Arms Race

    Mutual military strategy of US and USSR to produce more nuclear weapons contributed immensely to Soviet bankruptcy
  • Soviet Detonation of the Atomic Bomb

    Arms race of the Cold War soon begins.
  • Mao Establishes Communist China

    Mao Zedong defeats the nationalists and becomes the Communist leader of China
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    Witchunt of potentially pro communist people of influence. Height of the Red Scare.
  • NSC-68

    Top secret document outlining U.S Cold War policies revealed.
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    The Korean Conflict

    First major conflict in Cold War lead to the establishment of Communist North Korea, and Democratic South Korea.
  • McCarran Act Created

    Government act that enables stringent regulation of domestic Communist groups.
  • Dennis VS The United States

    Supreme court finds it constitutional to dismantle organization which promote the overthrow of the government.
  • The Death of Stalin

    Marks the end of Stalinism and a dramatic shift in Soviet policies.
  • Rosenberg Spy Case

    Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are executed for treason and espionage through disimissing information of the Atomic Bomb to the Soviet Union
  • Massive Retalion Policy

    Policy of massive retaliation upon enemies.
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    Dien Bien Phu

    Vietmen decisesively beat French forces and ends French influence of Indo China
  • Guatemalen Military Regime Coup Established

    US backed counter revolutionaries dispose of Guatemalen President Jacobo Arbenz and establish military state,
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    The Space Race

    Cold War Rivalry for the conquest of Space travel and technolgical dominance.
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    The Vietnam War

    War between South Vietnam and US against North Vietnam, ends when US public loses support. Quasi-victory for North Vietnam.
  • Highway Act of 1956

    Federal Act ratified by Eisenhower to construct more highways.
  • Krushchev's Secret Speech

    Krushchev denounces "Stalinism" upon the death of Joseph Stalin.
  • Launch of Sputnik

    The Soviet sattelite launches and sparks the Space Race
  • NDEA Enacted

    Provided funding for educational institutions in order to promote technolgical research.
  • U-2 Spy Plane Affair

    U.S spy plane shot down, strains relation further
  • Bay of Pigs Victory

    Fidel Castro defeats U.S backed counter revolutionaries
  • Fidel Castro Established Leadership of Cuba

    Fidel leads succesful Communist revolution of Cuba
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    Timeline of The Berlin Wall

    Lifespan of the Berlin Wall.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    Greatest Nuclear War Threat of the Cold War.
  • The Feminine Mystique

    Betty Friedman's book sparks second wave feminism in the US.
  • Hotline

    US and USSR emergency negotiation system in the threat of Nuclear war
  • Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    Nuclear super powers agree to ban Nuclear testing anywhere but underground.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Lyndon Johnson given complete authority over maintanance of Southeast Asia
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    Reign of Leonid Brehznev

    Greatly increased spread of Soviet Imperialism. Rule Coincided with economic decline in the Soviet Union.
  • Indonesian Coup

    Overthrow of Communist Indonesia which results in mass murder.
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    The Six Day War

    Israeli crushes Arab States and establishes itself as a military power and beacon in the region.
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    Chinese Cultural Revolution

    Mao begins rampant propoganda campaign to promote Maoism.
  • Tet Offensive

    Turning Point in US public opinion of Vietnam War, leads to Vietnamization
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    John Walker

    U.S Navy Chief Warrant Officer convicted of spying for the Soviet Union from 1968-1985
  • Prague Spring Rebellion

    Czechoslovakia attempts to leave Soviet Union, ends in Soviet Invasion and disbarment of Czech leader.
  • USS Scorpion Sinks

    Nuclear Submarine sinks amidst mechanical failure, speculated existed the Soviets were involved
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    Policy ending US military occupancy of Vietnam.
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    Ease of geo-political tensions in Cold War
  • SALT I, II

    Leads to Antiballisic Missile Treaty but is not ratfied in 1979 upon Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
  • Title IX

    Part of Amendment whuch bans gender discrimination in education.
  • Helsinki Accords

    European "Iron Curtain" established as status-quo, reducing Cold War tensions.
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    Khmer Rouge Government

    Communist Rule of Cambodia under Pol Pot, ordered mass killings of the non working class.
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    Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan

    Stalemate war between Soviets and Afghani people, contributed to the radicalization of Islam.
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    Presidency of Ronald Reagan

    Contributed to the end of the Cold War and established precedents for Neo-conservatism
  • Polish Solidarity

    First non-communist union established, foreshadows the end of the Iron Curtain.
  • SDI "Star Wars"

    Reagan describes futuristic anti nuclear defense technolgies using "lazers"
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    The Leadership of Gorbachev

    Pragmatic leader who tried to ease the fall of the USSR as softly as possible.
  • Perestroika and Glasnost

    Policies by Gorbechev to be economically more open and democratically transparent.