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Timeline of The Catholic Church in Australia

  • Captain Cook explores

    Captain Cook explores Australia's east coast
  • The First Fleet arrives at Sydney Cove

    Arrival of The First Fleet at Sydney Cove
  • Period: to

    First possible Mass said on Australian soil

    It is possible that the first Mass said on Australian soil was said between these years by Fr. Receveur
  • Foundation of Christian Brothers

    Foundation of Christian Brothers by Edmund Ignatius Rice, Ireland
  • First public Mass is said

    First public Mass said by Fr. James Dixon
  • Arrival of Fr. Jeremiah O'Flynn

    Arrival of Fr. Jeremiah O’Flynn “Prefect-Apostolic of New Holland”
  • Fr. Jeremiah O'Flynn is deported

    Fr. Jeremiah O’Flynn deported after the British Colonial Office opposes his appointment
  • The first official priests arrive

    Fathers John Joseph Therry and Philip Conolly, the first official priests arrive
  • Fr. Ullathorne arrives in Sydney

    Fr. Ullathorne (Benedictine monk) arrives in Sydney as Vicar-General
  • John Bede Polding becomes the first Catholic bishop

    John Bede Polding becomes Australia’s first official Catholic bishop
  • Arrival of Caroline Chisholm

    Arrival of Caroline Chisholm
    Arrival of Caroline Chisholm in Australia