Period: 300 to Jan 1, 1500
Timeline of Byzantine Emperor
Emperor Constantine l Founded the Byzantine Capital
The capital of Byzantine was Constantinople. This town was dedicated to Emperor Constantine. It was considered one of the largest and the most wealthy city in the europeans. -
Nika revolt
It was a riot that lasted a week in Constantinople. About ten thousand people were killed. When the riot was over half the city was either burned of damaged. This riot was the greatest riot in Constantinople. -
Period: 533 to 544
General Belisarius Military Campaigns
The begining of his campain started when he sailed to Africa and landed near Caput Vada. This was his chance to retake Nothern Africa. He tried this after Basiliscus took his first attempt 65 years ago, but when he tried it it ended in a Roman Disaster. -
Hagia Sophia Competed
The Hagia Sophia is a chuch that was destroyed in riots that Constantinople was in. This was one of the buildings that was lost in the fire and riots. In order to rebuild the church Justinian launched a program to make Constantinople better than ever. This building was one that was part of the great rebuild. When Hagia Sophia was all done it had an immense arching dome which would be inproved on earlier Roman buildings. The interior glowed with colored marble and embroidered silk curtains. -
Period: Jan 1, 622 to Jan 1, 750
Early Islamic military campaigns into Byzantine territory
For a long time the Turks were divided up into small Islamic States. Then one ruler, Osman built up a very powerful kingdom that soon took in all the other people that were in the Islamic states. This became known as the begining of the Ottoman empire, which quickly became a big threat to the Byzamtine Empire. Before the Byzantinien people knew it the Byzantine territory was surrounded by Turks which quickly took over the city. -
Period: Jan 1, 986 to Feb 1, 1018
Emperor Basil ll military conquests of Bulgaria
Basil ll rounded up 30000 men for an army that attacked Sofia, a Bulgarian city. He was defeated in the Battle of the Gates. After this loss he reviewed what he did and learned for his mistakes. After that all of his invasions were successful. -
Jan 1, 1054
Great Schism
The Great Schism was a divide between the Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox. They divided because there were many differences. Some of them was the language, and who can marry. -
Nov 27, 1095
Emperor Alexios l contacts Pope Urban ll for military help in The Middle East
The Byzantine emperor Alexus l urgently asked Pope Urban ll for christian knights even though they were ling time rivals, Pope Urban Agrees. -
Period: Feb 1, 1202 to Feb 1, 1204
Fouth Crusade
It was a attack againts the crucaders and the Byzantine. The Crusaders were fightig other christians instead of fighting muslums. After helping merchants from the nothern city of Venice they defeated there byzantine trade rivals. -
Jan 1, 1453
Fall of Constantinople to the ottoman turks
The Ottoman Turks invaded Constantinople. The invasion lasted about 50 days. The capture of Constantinople marked the end of the Roman Empire. The Roman empire lasted almost 1500 years and finnaly came to an end.