Landscape 1501516878 1960s index

Timeline of the 1960s

By belskyg
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Formed

    Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Formed
    After a series of organized sit-ins, Ella Baker formed SNCC at Shaw University.
  • First Televised Presidential Debate

    First Televised Presidential Debate
    Held between candidates John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, this televised debate was very influential to helping Kennedy win the election; he appeared calm and collected, while Nixon looked like he was in a state of panic.
  • "The Flintstones" debuts

    "The Flintstones" debuts
    Flintstones premieres in America, gaining popularity under the guise of settling modern day issues in a Stone Age setting
  • Election of 1960

    Election of 1960
    In a closely contested election, Democrat John F. Kennedy defeated incumbent Vice President Richard Nixon, the Republican Party nominee.
  • Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space

    Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man in space
    Aboard Vostok 1, Soviet astronaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man to orbit Earth
  • Berlin Wall Constructed

    Berlin Wall Constructed
    guarded concrete barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. Constructed by the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), starting on 13 August 1961, the Wall cut off West Berlin from virtually all of surrounding East Germany and East Berlin until government officials opened it in November 1989.
  • Home Run record shattered

    Home Run record shattered
    Roger Maris, with 61 home runs, breaks Babe Ruth's home run record.
  • Students for a Democratic Society - Port Huron

    Students for a Democratic Society - Port Huron
    The SDS releases a political manifesto, revealing their mission statement. Written by a University of Michigan student at a United Auto Workers retreat in Port Huron, Michigan
  • Death of Marilyn Monroe

    Death of Marilyn Monroe
    Marilyn Monroe, famous Hollywood actress, dies of a barbiturate overdose.
  • James Meredith and Ole Miss

    James Meredith and Ole Miss
    James Meredith, a black military veteran registered to attend Ole Miss, inciting a riot inside the town.
  • Dr. No

    Dr. No
    The infamous British spy James Bond has his first debut on the Big Screen, starring Sean Connery
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    In response to the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961 and the presence of American Jupiter ballistic missiles in Italy and Turkey, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev decided to agree to Cuba's request to place nuclear missiles on the island to deter a future invasion.
  • "I Have A Dream"

    "I Have A Dream"
    During his famous March on Washington, Martin Luther King Jr. gives his "I Have A Dream Speech"
  • JFK Assassinated

    JFK Assassinated
    John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated on Friday, November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m. in Dallas, Texas while riding in a presidential motorcade in Dealey Plaza.
  • Beatles Arrive

    Beatles Arrive
    The Beatles' rise to prominence in the United States in February 1964 was a significant development in the history of the band's commercial success. In addition to establishing the Beatles' international stature, it changed attitudes to popular music in the United States, whose own Memphis-driven musical evolution had made it a global trend-setter.
  • Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan

    Beatles appear on Ed Sullivan
    73 million people attended this broadcasting of the Ed Sullivan Show. After all, it was the first live Beatles performance in America.
  • New York World's Fair

    New York World's Fair
    The World's Fair was held in New York in Flushing Meadows Park
  • Gulf Of Tonkin

    Gulf Of Tonkin
    It was an international confrontation that led to the United States engaging more directly in the Vietnam War. It involved either one or two separate confrontations involving North Vietnam and the United States in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkin.
  • Election of 1964

    Election of 1964
    Lyndon Johnson defeats Barry Goldwater with 61.1% of the popular vote.
  • Malcolm X Assassinated

    Malcolm X Assassinated
    Malcolm X is shot dead by members of the Nation of Islam at a rally of his own organization in New York City
  • Watts Race Riots

    Watts Race Riots
    After a black motorist, who was on parole for robbery, was pulled over for reckless driving, riots began in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles
  • Star Trek

    Star Trek
    Pitched as a "Wagon Train to the Stars" and inspired by the space race going on during the 60s, this show followed the adventures of Captain James Tiberius Kirk (played by William Shatner) and the crew of the USS Enterprise. (Including stars such as George Takei and Leonard Nimoy)
  • LSD declared illegal

    LSD declared illegal
    Lysergic acid diethylamide, a psychoactive substance, is declared illegal for any use by the U.S. Government
  • Super Bowl I

    Super Bowl I
    First Super Bowl, game between NFL Champions Green Bay Packers and AFL Champions Kansas City Chiefs
  • Muhammad Ali refuses military service

    Muhammad Ali refuses military service
    Claiming his Muslim faith demands he has no part in wars, Muhammad Ali denies military service, and loses his heavyweight title.
  • Summer of Love Begins

    Summer of Love Begins
    Social phenomenon that occurred during the summer of 1967, when as many as 100,000 people, mostly young people sporting hippie fashions of dress and behavior, converged in San Francisco's neighborhood of Haight-Ashbury.
  • Beatles Release Sgt. Pepper's Album

    Beatles Release Sgt. Pepper's Album
    The Beatles release their eighth studio album, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. It spent 15 weeks at the number one spot on the charts in the United States
  • Thurgood Marshall nominated as Supreme Court justice

    Thurgood Marshall nominated as Supreme Court justice
    President Lyndon B. Johnson appoints Thurgood Marshall as Supreme Court Justice, becoming the first African-American Supreme Court justice.
  • Monterey Music Festival

    Monterey Music Festival
    Three day concert held at the Monterey County Fairgrounds in Monterey Music Festival.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Largest military campaign of the Vietnam War, launched on January 30, 1968, by forces of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam against the forces of the South Vietnamese Army of the Republic of Vietnam, the United States Armed Forces, and their allies.
  • MLK is Assassinated

    MLK is Assassinated
    Martin Luther King Jr. is shot by James Earl Ray, while standing on his hotel room balcony
  • Robert Kennedy Assassinated

    Robert Kennedy Assassinated
    After winning the California and South Dakota primary elections for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, Kennedy left the podium in the Ambassador Hotel and was exiting through the hotel kitchen when he was mortally wounded by Sirhan Sirhan who fired multiple shots with a handgun.
  • "Days of Rage"

    "Days of Rage"
    Tens of thousands of Vietnam protesters battled police in the streets of Chicago while the Democratic National Convention was held, and the Democrats fell apart over a disagreement on the party's stance on the Vietnam War.
  • Election of 1968

    Election of 1968
    The Republican nominee, former Vice President Richard Nixon, defeated the Democratic nominee, incumbent Vice President Hubert Humphrey.
  • Stonewall Riots

    Stonewall Riots
    Serious of spontaneous riots by members of the gay community against a police raid in Manhattan.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the Moon, on 20 July 1969.
  • Manson family murders Sharon Tate

    Manson family murders Sharon Tate
    Members of the Manson family murder actress Sharon Tate, as well as 4 others in the home that the actress shared with Hollywood director Roman Polanski
  • Woodstock Concert

    Woodstock Concert
    Music festival in the United States in 1969 which attracted an audience of more than 400,000. Scheduled for August 15–17 on a dairy farm in the Catskill Mountains of southern New York State, northwest of New York City, it ran over to Monday, August 18.
  • Altamont

    Altamont Speedway Free Festival was a counterculture-era rock concert held at Altamont Speedway in Northern California.