The Korean War begins its three year conflict
North Korea backed with the Soviet Union and invaded South Korea. Later the US air force and The Navy was sent to the peninsula. -
United Nations forces retreat
forces retreat south toward the 38th parallel when Chinese communist forces open a counteroffensive in the Korean War -
President Truman authorizes the seizure of United States steel mills in order to avert a strike
Truman's action ruled illegal
His action to stop steel mills in April were ruled illegal by the US Supreme Court. -
Dwight D. Eisenhower travels to Korea to try and end the conflict.
The Korean War Ends
Fighting ceases in the Korean War. -
The first color televisions go on sale.
Vaccinations for polio start
The first large scale vaccination of children against polio begins in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania -
Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat
Rosa Parks would refuse to give her seat up on the bus to a white person. -
Interstate highway system begins with the signing of the Federal-Aid Highway Act
The first transatlantic telephone cable begins operation
The first attempt by the United States to launch a satellite into space fails
It would fail when exploding on the launch pad. -
Alaska is admitted to the United States as the 49th state to be followed on August 21 by Hawaii
President Dwight D. Eisenhower hosts Soviet premier
Nikita Khrushchev at his farm in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania during the first visit of any Soviet Union leader to the United States.