Timeline of Sweden

  • 98

    Tribe of Swedes first mentioned.

    Tribe of Swedes first mentioned.
    The Tribe of the Swedes was first mentioned by Roman Senator and Historian Publius Cornelius Tacitus.
  • 100

    Settlement of Uppåkra

    Settlement of Uppåkra, an iron age settlement which still exists today.
  • 750

    Birka trade center established

    Birka trade center established, which later is abandoned in 960.
  • 800

    Rök Runestone is carved

    Rök Runestone is carved
    Rök Runestone is carved, which is the longest known inscription on runestone.
  • 995

    Olof Skötkonung coronated as first king of a united Sweden

    He was also known as Sigrid the Haughty and was the son of Eric the Victorious.
  • 1004

    Olof Skötkonung baptized

    Olof Skötkonung baptized, beginning the recognition of Christianity as the official religion of Sweden.
  • 1025

    City of Helsingborg founded.

  • 1252

    City of Stockhölm founded.

  • 1317

    The Nyköping Banque is held

    he Nyköping Banque (a Christmas celebration) is held, followed by King Birger imprisoning and starving his two brothers to death.
  • 1319

    Sweden and Norway Unite

  • 1350

    Black Death occurs in Sweden

  • 1359

    Magnus IV creates the first Riksdag, or Swedish parliament

  • 1397

    Sweden, Denmark, and Norway form the Kalmar Union.

    This disperses in 1523.
  • 1398

    The knights of the Teutonic Order conquer Gotland

    They then sell it back to the Kalmar Union 11 years later.
  • 1477

    Uppsala University founded

  • 1495

    First Russo-Swedish war lasts for two years.

  • 1505

    First Kalmar "bloodbath"

  • 1561

    Estonia becomes a Swedish colony

  • Second Kalmar bloodbath

  • Kalmar War between Denmark-Noway and Sweden

  • Sweden intervenes in the Thirty Years' War

    Sweden intervenes in the Thirty Years' War
    Sweden invades the Holy Roman Empire. This is the first intervention of Sweden in the Thirty Years' war.
  • New Sweden colony

    New Sweden colony founded along the Delaware River near what is now Wilmington, Delaware, USA.
  • Swedish Gold Coast colony

    Swedish Gold Coast colony founded in what is now Ghana, on the Gulf of Guinea.