The moon
In 1610 Galileo spotted and observed the moons of Jupiter. -
Craters on the moon
For the first time someone observed craters on the Moon, satellites around Jupiter had witnessed the phases of Venus like those of the Moon. -
Soviet Union establishes Rocket Society
The first rocket society the Soviet Union established was Society for Studies of Interplanetary Travel. It was renamed to the Society for the Study of Interplanetary Communications later. -
First liquid rocket
Robert H. Goddard, a US rocket scientist, launched the first liquid fueled rocket. The four feet tall rocket was launched from a farm in Auburn, Massachussetts. The fling lasted for 2 1/2 seconds. The rocket, named "Nell", reached an altitude of 41 feet at a speed of around 60 miles per hour. -
R-7 Semyorka
The Soviet Union ISSR launched the first ballistic missle. It was known as R-7 Semyorka. It would later be used to launch the first artificial satelite into space. -
First sub-orbital flying
The V-2 rocket, designed by rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, was launched by Germany. It was the first man-made spacecraft to achieve sub-orbital flight. It reached an altitude of 100 kilometers. -
Wac Corporal
The Wac Corporal was the US's first rocket to be launched. It was designed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. After being launched from White Sands Proving Grond, New Mexico, Wac Corporal covered 50 miles of altitude. -
The first insect on a rocket: fruit flies
The first animals/Insects in space were fruit files. They were still found in the V-2 rocket when it returned. -
First artificial satellite
The USSR launched the world's first artificial satellite, Sputnik. It was able to send radio signals back to earth. Sputnik was a major accomplishment, but it had a short timespan. -
Laika goes to space
The first living animal to go to space was Laika. She was launched on the spacecraft called, Sputnik 2. Laika didn't make it.