Timeline Of Space Exploration

By Pewdie
  • Galileo's telescope

    Galileo Galilei had fine-tuned his new instrument and turned it toward the night sky he revolutionized modern science.
  • Land Rovers

    They go into space and gather up information about a certain planet.
  • Sputnik 1

    Sputnik 1 was the first man-made object to orbit the whole Earth! It was launched by the U.S.S.R. It remains in orbit until January 4th, 1958
  • Sputnik 2

    It carried a dog named Laika for 7 days in orbit. It was launched by the U.S.S.R It stayed in orbit until April 13th, 1958
  • Luna 1

    The first man-made satalitte to orbit the moon. It was launched by U.S.S.R
  • Luna 2

    Impacting on the moon, Becoming the first man-made object to hit the moon
  • Vostok 1

    It carried the first man in space Cosmonaut Yuri A. Gargarin. He orbits the earth in space. It was launched by U.S.S.R
  • Vostok 2

    It was the first day-long space ride. It carried a human.
  • Friendship 7

    The first Americans in orbit, orbited earth 3 times
  • Vostok 6

    It carried the first woman in space and she orbite the Earth 48 times.
  • Voskhod 2

    First Societ space walk.
  • Soviet Luna 9

    The first spacecraft to soft-land on the moon.
  • Apollo 11

    Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, Jr. make the first manned soft landing on the moon, and the first moon walk.
  • Apollo 14

    It was a moon mission.
  • Pioneer 10

    It was launched towards Jupiter and was designed to compare alien life with human life. It also took some pictures of space.
  • Pioneer 11

    It reached Saturn, flying 13,000 miles and taking the first close-up photographs
  • Ariane Rocket 3

    The ESA kaunches its third Ariane rocket.
  • Ariane rocket 4

    The ESA launches a fourth Ariane rocket.
  • Venera 13

    Lands on Venus, provides a soil analysis.
  • Challenger

    First mission for the Challenger, had it's first American Space Walk in 9 years!
  • Voyager 2

    It flies past Uranus.
  • Supernova 1987A

    Blazes into view.
  • Hubble Telescope

    The Hubble telescope was used to take photographs of space.
  • Galileo Spacecraft

    Arrives at Jupiter.
  • Galileo

    Completes a orbit around Jupiters moon "lo"