753 BCE
Foundation of Rome (Romulus & Remus)
509 BCE
Creation of Roman Republic
Period: 264 BCE to 146 BCE
The Punic Wars
Period: 83 BCE to 82 BCE
Marius, Sulla, & Sulla's Civil War
Period: 67 BCE to 62 BCE
Pompey in the East
60 BCE
The First Triumvirate (Julius Caesar, Crassus, Pompey)
44 BCE
Death of Julius Caesar
43 BCE
The Second Triumvirate (Octavian, Antony, Lepidus)
Period: 31 BCE to 14
Establishment of Empire & Rule Under Augustus
Period: 98 to 138
Rules of Trajan & Hadrian
Period: 235 to 284
Third Century Crisis
Period: 284 to 305
Rule of Diocletian & Diocletian Reforms
Constantine Converts to Christianity
The Fall of Rome
The Fall of Constantinople