Timeline of robotics

  • Jan 1, 1540

    Mandolin Playing Lady

    Very early example of mimicking human movements
  • Pascals Calculator

    The first example of technology handling human thoughts Outsourcing
  • Bi-Pedal robot

    The first to walk on to legs.
  • RQ-4 Survaillance drone

    The millitary moving away from manned aircrafts
  • The first Lego Mindstorm is Relseased

    The public gaining access to functioning robots.
    And programming theese.
  • DARPA Self Driving Car - Tartan Racing

    An early case of a completely self-driving car.
  • Curiosity Rover - Exploring Space

    We can now place robots in harsh environments, where we as humans can not explore as of yet.
  • Genereative Adversarial Networks

    Cutting edge machine-learning, with two neural networks competing
    Unsupervised machine development
  • Self Balancing robot dog

    Clear advancements in mimicking biolocal movements
  • AlphaGO

    This is the first example of a robot beating the world champion in the game GO! At this point robots have beaten us in "mind intense" games.