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Timeline of Revolutionary Inventions

  • 3500 BCE

    The wheel

    The wheel
    When it was first discovered,the wheel was a cricular object made of a hard and enduring material that had a hole in the center. It was a big part in the creation of the 6 simple machines.
  • 300 BCE

    The six simple machines

    The six simple machines
    They where originally used by very advanced andigenous people,but the one who really understood them and kew what they did was the greek philosopher archimedes whuch discovered tthe principal on mechanicam advantage wich these machines are based on.
  • 45 BCE

    The calendar

    The calendar
    It allowed humanity to be organized and to know when things where happening and organize their personal things around them.It was forst made by the agyptians.
  • 27 BCE

    Pozzolana or anciant concrete

    Pozzolana or anciant concrete
    It was first used by the romans it was what allowed them to construct those magnificent structures like the colosseum.Now days everything is made out of concrete so the put the basis to make what the building block os society is.
  • 105


    The paper was invented by the Han dinasty.This was one of the biggest inventions because it allowed to write en it be portable and easy.
  • 725

    The mechanical clock

    The mechanical clock
    Humanity knew before this what time was and the 24 hours cycle and all the stuff that we associate with clocks,but the thing is that they just used sundials.But the clock allowed humanity to know time when they wanted and it didn't deppend if it was raint ir cloudy the day.And it was more exact so we could time tiny actions.
  • 1300


    It is a curcular object with a magnified needle that always points to the north.It is very usefull for traveling and allowed travelers to know where they were and where they wanted to go.
  • 1450

    The printing press

    The printing press
    It was a revolutionary imvention that made possible writting at a very fast pace .It allowed everyone to know what happened around them and very cheap(via newspaper) and it played a huge role in the industrial revolution.
  • The steam engine

    The steam engine
    It was the thing thatstarted the revolutionary revolution,it was used as a motor and it allowed us to make things do the thing that we want for us or also known as automatization.
  • Penicillin

    It was the first antibiotic used and ever created .It is so important because it allowed us to kill bacteriaand not killing us in the process.It is the basis of modern medicine and millions of people have been save by this.