The Navigation Acts
This was the act that stated the items that could only be shipped within the English empire. This also encouraged exploration. Because of this, people traveled to America.
Photo citation: Kanopiadmin. “The Restoration and the Navigation Acts | Murray N. Rothbard.” Mises Institute, 22 July 2012, mises.org/library/restoration-and-navigation-acts. -
Sugar Act
This put taxes on molasses and sugar, making goods with these ingredients more expensive. The Colonists weren't in agreeance with this act whatsoever. The British government wanted this because it meant they had more control over the colonies.
Photo Citation: “Sutori.” Sutori, www.sutori.com/item/sugar-act-of-1764-on-april-5-1764-parliament-passed-a-different-version-of-the-1220. -
Stamp Act
This act taxed everything that was printed and forced the colonists to buy a stamp that they had to put on anything that was being mailed. They hated this act because it often restricted them from mailing certain items (because they required so many stamps). They also boycotted British paper and stamps. The British repealed this act the following year because it was a burden on British merchants. -
The Declaratory Act
This act was proclaimed immediately after the Stamp Act was repealed. It basically said Parliament was to be involved in all cases of the colonies, no matter what. This act caused many rifts in the truce between America and Britain because it was so vague regarding everything Britain had the right to control about the colonies. -
Townshed Act
This act taxed the Americans on glass, paper, lead, and tea. The colonists turned violent and held revolts and boycotts. This is the act that would lead to the Boston Tea Party. The British grew increasingly worried about these riots but continued to tax the Americans.