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Timeline of Revenue Acts

  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The sugar act was a goal the British Parliament had to get more money out of the colonists. They raised the prices for foreign sugar from six to three pence per gallon. Although it wasn't expensive enough to lose trade with sugar it raised an uproar among the colonists because they didn't want to be taxed on something they had no control or say over.
  • Currency Act

    Currency Act
    The Currency Act was the goal of protecting British creditors and merchants from depreciated colonial currency. It prevented the production of any new paper bills by the colonists, they abolished paper currency in the return for pound sterling. American colonists protested in response as it was taking away the things they had been accustomed to.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The stamp act was taxed on all paper documents in the colonies, at the time Britain was swarmed with debt so they created a way to dig out from the colonies. This goes hand and hand with the sugar act, people refused to pay taxes on sugar but the stamp act proved who paid and who didn't.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act required the colonies to house British soldiers in barracks that were provided and funded by the colonies. This led to monumental events such as the Boston Massacre and frustration once again in the colonies because their land was being homed for British soldiers without their say.
  • Townshends Act

    Townshends Act
    The Townshends Act wasn't an individual policy passed but actually a series of four that was started in June to early July. The acts taxed imported goods imported into the American Colonies. Reactions from the Americas were furious, since they had no representation in the parliament they saw it as an abuse of power.