Timeline of Project

  • Picked book

    Picked book
    I had a lot of trouble deciding what to pick at first, but I was focused on the subject of economics and mathematics. John Nash seemed to be the perfect fit after alittle searching
  • Quote

    Nash's professor's recommendation contained 3 words. "This man is a genius."
  • hero paragraph

    hero paragraph
    I gave a slightly different perspective of a hero. I thought a hero was someone that makes us appreciate the small things in life
  • Watched documentary

    Watched documentary
    Watched the documentary "A brilliant Madness" again. I felt it was one of the most influential documentaries I have ever watched.
  • Contacted professor

    Contacted professor
    Contacted a professor at Rice university regarding interview. Hope to hear back from him
  • Read 100 pages of book

    "A Beautiful Mind" is a really amazing book. The first part mainly focuses on his childhood and years at Princeton and CMU. One of the quotes I really like in the book is "solitude is the schools of geniuses." Looking forward to finishing it.
  • Watched John Nash interview Videos

    Watched John Nash interview Videos
    Watched several interview videos of John Nash to get to know about this person better, and also to help me with my interview.
  • Reply from Professor

    Reply from Professor
    I received his phone number, and he says I can contact him whenever. Plan to do interview on the on the phone
  • Research about game theory

    Research about game theory
    Did alittle research about Nash's world and his noble prize winning paper about game theory. Game theory is about the outcomes and interactions of social situations.