Pcc hardware

timeline of paloma and rocio

  • the construction of the first Z

    the construction of the first Z
    In 1936 Konrad Zuse began the construction of the first Z series, calculators that offer memory (initially limited) and programmability.
  • the first comuters

    the first comuters
    the first computer is the Zuse Z1 of 1938
  • Here we leave the link to where we got the information

    Here we leave the link to where we got the information
  • Period: to

    the first generation of computer

    its a time line of the history of the computers
  • the second computer

    In 1939 the computer Z2 was invented, it was an intermediate machine between Z1 and Z3.
  • Here you have a video with some information about the history of computers

    Here you have a video with some information about the history of computers
  • the third computer

    the third computer
    The third computer was created in 1941. It was the first fully operational machine using relays.
  • the fourth computer

    the fourth computer
    Considered until a few years ago as the first electronic digital computer in history.
  • the fifth computer

    completely redesigned after missing the plans and pieces of the previous Z during the allied bombing of Berlin.
  • the sixth computer

    Second programmable computer. It was also a laboratory prototype, but it already included in its design the central ideas that make up current computers.
  • the seventh computer

    Considered the first commercial computer to be sold, although it was overtaken by the British Feranti Mark I for a few months, and never took into account the Z4 that went ahead almost a year. Doctors Mauchly and Eckert founded Universal Computer Company (Univac), and their first product was this machine. The first client was the United States Census Bureau.
  • the eighth computer

    To enter the data, these teams used punched cards, which had been invented in the years of the industrial revolution (late eighteenth century) by the French Joseph Marie Jacquard and perfected by the American Herman Hollerith in 1890.
  • the ninth computer

    continued with other models, which incorporated a mass storage mechanism called magnetic drum, which over the years would evolve and become the magnetic disk.
  • the tenth computer

    The first Konrad Zuse computer taking advantage of vacuum tubes.