Timeline of my life

  • First entered daycare

    Psychosocial: As I had 2 full-time working parents, I had to go into daycare.
  • Birth

  • Crawling for the 1st time

  • Spoke 1st word

    Cognitive: Around 11 months, I said my first word, "mama."
  • Took 1st steps

  • 1st stitches

    Biosocial: I was fooling around and running on a ferry. I ran into a doorframe and needed 5 stitches on my forehead.
  • Read 1st book

    Cognitive: With having older siblings, I was continously listening to stories. At around 4 1/2 years old, I read one of my favorite books on my own called "Go, Dog, Go."
  • Joined 1st sport groups

    Psychosocial: I got involved in the town's soccer league and joined a dance class at a local dance studio.
  • Learned to ride a bike

    Biosocial: After several attempts and many falls, I didn't give up and finally did it on my own!
  • Baby sister was born

    Psychosocial: For almost 8 years I was the baby of the family until the arrival of my baby sister. Boy was I excited!
  • Increased Running Ability

    Biosocial: I was at my grandma's and was bored. My grandpa told me to run around the backyard garden 100 times and I did!
  • Lead in 5th grade play

    Cognitive: Throughout school I was an avid reader and in my 5th grade class we read the book "Witch of Blackbird Pond," and then did the play. I had one of the lead roles in the play and loved it!
  • Move to New York

    Entering into 7th grade, I moved from Connecticut to New York. Even though I was sad leaving my friends, I was excited about this new adventure!
  • Growth Spurt began

    For years, I was very petite and short, and my family always figured I would stay like that. But to everyone's surprise, in 9th grade, I began to shoot up, and I ended up growing several inches that year.
  • Move to Michigan

    Halfway through my sophomore year of high school, I found out I had to move to Michigan. Compared to the move in middle school, I was devestated by this announcment, as it is much more difficult to move in high school.
  • ACT test

    The pressure was on when taking this test because it would determine where I would go to college.
  • College Acceptance letter

    I got accepted to Michigan State University which was where I really wanted to go!
  • High School Graduation

    I graduated with honors from Novi High School!
  • Beginning of College Career

    First day of classes at MSU!
  • Crew Club

    In order to stay in shape my first year of college, I decided to try a new sport and joined the crew club at MSU.
  • Moved back home

    Since I had just graduated and was doing an unapid internship for teaching, my parents supported me and allowed me to move back home for the year. It was a tough transition at first, but they were understanding.
  • 1st Day on the Job

    My first day as a registered occupational therapist!
  • Wedding Day

  • 1st Child is born

  • 2nd child is born

  • Beginning of Menopause

    The inevitable event in a woman's life has begun to show its evil signs.
  • Retirement

    After a fulfilling career I have decided to retire with my husband in South Carolina, right by the ocean.
  • Begin Volunteer Work

    In order to stay active I become involved in the community by volunteering at the library and hospital.
  • First Grandchild

    My goodness time flies...already a Grandma and loving it!
  • Death

    After a fulfilling life, the time has come for me to leave this Earth, leaving my loved ones behind. I died of a stroke in my sleep.