Timeline of Muhammad's Life

By maddieg
  • 570


    In 570 A.D., Muhammad was born in Mecca to parents Abd Allah bin Al-Muttalib and Amina bint Wahb.
  • Dec 16, 610

    First Revelation

    One day during the month of Ramadam, Muhammad received a revelation from Allah, instructing him to preach to the people. However, Muhmmmad chose not to share this information immediately, believing that he was just hallucinating.
  • Dec 16, 613

    Muhammad Shares His Message

    In 613 A.D. Muhammad revesals the message he received from Allah with his family and tribe. Muhammad managed to gain folowers despite being heavily persecuted.
  • Nov 16, 622

    Muhammad Emigrates from Mecca

    In 622 Muhammad and some of his followers fled to Medina. He remained there for over six years and established the first Muslim community.
  • Nov 16, 630

    Conquest of Mecca

    After a series of wars, Muhammad and his followers enter Mecca without bloodshed and are accpeted by the Meccans.
  • Oct 16, 632


    In 632 Muhammad dies in Medina from an illness. He is then buried in the mosque of Medina.
  • Caravan Driver

    As a teeneager, Muhammad began traveling with merchant Abu Talib. Muhammad then served as caravan for a wealthy Meccan merchant (also his distant cousin) named Khadija bint Khawalayd.
  • Marriage

    Muhammad and Khadija married in approximately 595. They eveentually started a family and had six chidldren. However, their two sons died during infancy.