Charles Darwin's Birthay.
Charles Darwin Biography-Facts, Birthday, Life Story-Biography.com
On this day, Charles Darwin, who would later help create the mdoern theory of evolution, was born. -
Darwin begins going to Edinburgh University
Charles Darwin's education-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia On this day, Charles Darwin began going to Edinburgh University, which was the first place he was exposed to the ideas of mavericks who challenged what society thought at the time, This exposure helped Darwin be able to develop and be public with his wild theories on evolution and natural selection. -
Darwin joins Cambridge's Plinian Society Club
<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plinian_Society' >Plinian Society-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</a
When Darwin joined the plinian Society, it exposed him to many ideas about naturalism and other concepts that would lead him to publish On the Origin of Species -
Revd. Adam Sedgewick reveals an important part of science to Darwin
<a href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Darwin%27s_education' >Charles Darwin's education-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</a
On this day, Darwin understands for the first time that science is all about sorting information into unique sections and making educated guesses from that information, which helps him become good enough of a scientist to make his theories on evolution. -
Charles Darwin sets sail on the Beagle
Charles Darwin Biography-Facts, Birthday, Life Story-Biography.com
This day is the start of the voyage that both partially inspired him to write On An Origin of Species and gave him material for the book. -
John Gould, ornithologist, makes several conclusions about much of Darwin's research
On the Origin of Species-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On this day, Gould discovered that many of Darwin's bird finds were subspecies of other birds known before, and some were only found on one island (the mockingbirds). This event lead Darwin to question many of his previous ideas about nature, and was one of the reasons he began his theory on evolution. -
Darwin reads Essay On the Principle of Population by Thomas Malthus
Timeline of the life of Charles Robert Darwin: Darwin Online
On this day, Charles Darwin learned from this essay Malthus's ideas about population and society. These ideas gave the scientist some of the important ideas he would use to create his theory on evolution. -
Charles Darwin finishes his first "essay" on natural selection and evolution
Publication of Darwin's theory-Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Note-day of event may be wrong) On this day, Charles Darwin reached a milestone of his first natural selection "essay", which would later be modified into the book On the Origin of Species. -
A presentation made up of both Darwin's and biologist Alfred Wallace's Work is read to the Linnean Society
On the Tenendency of Species to form Varieties; and on the Perputation of Varieties and Species by Natural Selection On this day, the first public presentation on natural selection and evolution, written by Darwin and Wallace, was read to the Linnean Society, famous for its focus on natural history. -
On The Origin of Species is published.
On The Origin of Species-Wikipedia-The Free Encyclopedia
This book was the end result of all of Darwin's research, studying, and hard work. It was also the first book to publicly talk about modern theories of evolution.