
Timeline of Mesoamerica

By joshg1!
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 900 BCE

    Formative Mesoamerica

  • 1200 BCE

    Olmec Innovation #1

    Olmec Innovation #1
    Olmec civilization creates rubber balls.
  • 1200 BCE

    Olmec Innovation #2

    Olmec Innovation #2
    Olmec civilization invents the drainage system.
  • 1200 BCE

    Olmec Innovation #3

    Olmec Innovation #3
    Olmec civilization invents picture writing.
  • 1200 BCE

    (Olmec Interesting Fact)

    The Olmec were talented engineers.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 400 BCE

    Olmec civilization (Formative)

    The Olmec fell due to environmental changes.
  • Period: 200 BCE to 600

    Teotihuacan Civilization (Formative and Classical)

    Probably fell due to a "Volcanic Winter".
  • 200

    Teotihuacan Innovation #1

    Teotihuacan Innovation #1
    The Teotihuacan civilization built one of the largest cities of their time.
  • 200

    Teotihuacan Innovation #2

    Teotihuacan Innovation #2
    The Teotihuacan civilization use a hieroglyphic alphabet.
  • 200

    Teotihuacan Innovation #3

    Teotihuacan Innovation #3
    Teotihuacan civilization makes use of obsidian tools.
  • 200

    (Teotihuacan Interesting Fact)

    The Teotihuacan civilization was ruled by a council, not a Monarch.
  • Period: 250 to 900

    Classical Mesoamerica

  • 700

    Zapotec Innovation #1

    Zapotec Innovation #1
    Zapotec civilization invents a timekeeping system.
  • 700

    Zapotec Innovation #2

    Zapotec Innovation #2
    Zapotec civilization builds mosaic artwork.
  • 700

    Zapotec Innovation #3

    Zapotec Innovation #3
    Zapotec civilization develops practical urban planning.
  • 700

    (Zapotec Interesting fact)

    The Zapotec created a rigid social hierarchy for their people.
  • Period: 700 to 1521

    Zapotec civilization (Classical and Post Classical)

    The Zapotec fell due to a decline in natural recourses and war with the Aztecs.
  • 900

    Toltec Innovation #1

    Toltec Innovation #1
    The Toltec civilization mass cultivated Maize and Cotton.
  • 900

    Toltec Innovation #2

    Toltec Innovation #2
    The Toltec civilization made use of a writing system.
  • 900

    Toltec Innovation #3

    Toltec Innovation #3
    The Toltec mastered medicine.
  • 900

    (Toltec Interesting Fact)

    The Toltec warriors were greatly honored in their society.
  • Period: 900 to 1100

    Toltec civilization (Classical and Post Classical)

    The Toltec fell due to internal disputes and civil wars.
  • 1000

    Mixtec Innovation #1

    Mixtec Innovation #1
    The Mixtec civilization innovated a 260 day calendar.
  • 1000

    Mixtec Innovation #2

    Mixtec Innovation #2
    The Mixtec civilization developed irrigation systems for their agriculture.
  • 1000

    Mixtec Innovation #3

    Mixtec Innovation #3
    The Mixtec civilization was renowned for their metalwork.
  • 1000

    (Mixtec Interesting fact)

    "Mixtec" translates to "Cloud People" in Nahuatl
  • Period: 1000 to 1521

    Post-Classical Mesoamerica

  • Period: 1000 to 1400

    Mixtec civilization (Post Classical)

    The Mixtec fell due to civil wars among other infighting.