
Timeline of Luke

  • Luke 1:1-4

    Luke 1:1-4
    Luke tells Theophillus that yuk may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.
  • Luke 1:26-38

    Luke 1:26-38
    Gabriel tells Mary about her son, Jesus.
  • Luke 1:39-56

    Luke 1:39-56
    Mary visits Elizabeth.
  • Luke 1:57-80

    Luke 1:57-80
    The birth of John the Baptist.
  • Luke 2:1-7

    Luke 2:1-7
    The birth of Jesus.
  • Luke 2:8-20

    Luke 2:8-20
    The angel tells the shepherds about the birth of Jesus.
  • Luke 2:21-40

    Luke 2:21-40
    Simeon and Anna meet baby Jesus in the temple.
  • Luke 2:41-52

    Luke 2:41-52
    Jesus, at the age of 12, is lost in the temple.
  • Luke 3:1-20

    Luke 3:1-20
    John the Baptist prepares the path for Jesus
  • Luke 3:21-23

    Luke 3:21-23
    Baptism of Jesus
  • Luke 3:21-23

    Luke 3:21-23
    The Baptism of Jesus
  • Luke 3:21-23

    Luke 3:21-23
    The Baptism of Jesus
  • Luke 3:23-38

    Luke 3:23-38
    The Geneoalgy of Jesus
  • Luke 4:1-13

    Luke 4:1-13
    Jesus is tempted by Satan
  • Luke 4:14-30

    Luke 4:14-30
    Jesus is rejected in Nazareth
  • Luke 4:31-37

    Luke 4:31-37
    Jesus drives out an evil spirit
  • Luke 4:38-44

    Luke 4:38-44
    Jesus heals Simon's mother-in-law
  • Luke5:12-26

    Jesus heals a leper and a paralytic
  • Luke 5:33-6:11

    Luke 5:33-6:11
    The Pharisees question Jesus bout fasting and the Sabbath
  • Luke 6:17-49

    Luke 6:17-49
    The sermon on the mount
  • Luke 7:18-35

    Luke 7:18-35
    Jesus and John the baptist
  • Luke 7:36-50

    Luke 7:36-50
    Jesus is anointed by a sinful woman
  • Luke 8:1-15

    Luke 8:1-15
    The parable of the sower
  • Luke 8:16-25

    Luke 8:16-25
    The lamp, Jesus's family, and Jesus calms the storm
  • Luke 8:26-39

    Luke 8:26-39
    The healing of the demon- possessed man
  • Luke 8:40-56

    Luke 8:40-56
    Jesus raised Jairus' daughter and healed the sick women
  • Luke 9:1-9

    Luke 9:1-9
    Jesus sends out the twelve
  • Luke 9:10-17

    Luke 9:10-17
    Jesus feeds the 5000
  • Luke 9:18-36

    Luke 9:18-36
    Peter confesses Christ and the transfiguration
  • Luke 9:37-50

    Luke 9:37-50
    Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy, predicts his death, and discusses who's first
  • Luke 9:51-10:23

    Luke 9:51-10:23
    Samaritan opposition, the cost of following Jesus, and sending out 72 disciples
  • Luke 10:25-37

    Luke 10:25-37
    The parable of the good samration
  • Luke 7:1-17

    Luke 7:1-17
    Jesus heals the servant and raises the widows son
  • Luke 10:38-11:13

    Luke 10:38-11:13
    Jesus at the home of Mary & Martha and teaching on prayer
  • Luke 11:14-36

    Luke 11:14-36
    Jesus and Beelzebub, the sign of Jonah, and the Lamp of the Body
  • Luke 11:37-12:12

    Luke 11:37-12:12
    Jesus pronounces woes on the pharisees
  • Luke 12:13-34

    Luke 12:13-34
    The parable of the rich fool and do not worry
  • Luke 12:35-59

    Luke 12:35-59
    Jesus speaks of watchfulness, division, and being ready
  • Luke 13:1-17

    Luke 13:1-17
    Jesus teaches on repentance and heals a crippled women on the sabbath
  • Luke 13:18-30

    The parables of the mustard seed and the yeast and the narrow door
  • Luke 13:31-14:14

    Luke 13:31-14:14
    Jesus sorrow for Jerusalem and eating at Pharisees house
  • Luke 14:15-35

    Luke 14:15-35
    The parable of the great banquet and the cost of being a disciple
  • Luke 15

    Luke 15
    The parables of the lot sheep, coin, and the prodigal son
  • Luke 16:1-18

    Luke 16:1-18
    The parable of the shrewd manager and additional teachings
  • Luke 16:19-31

    Luke 16:19-31
    The rich man and Lazarus
  • Luke 17:1-19

    Luke 17:1-19
    Sin, Faith, and Duty and 10 healed of leprosy
  • Luke 17:20-37

    Luke 17:20-37
    The coming of the kingdom of God
  • Luke 8:1-17

    Luke 8:1-17
    The parables of the persistent widow and the Pharisee and the tax collecter and the little children and Jesus
  • Luke 18:18-43

    Luke 18:18-43
    The rich ruler, Jesus again predicts his death, and a blind beggar receives his sight
  • Luke 9:1-27

    Luke 9:1-27
    Zacchaeus, the tax collecter and the parable of the ten Minas
  • Luke 19:28-48

    Luke 19:28-48
    Jesus enters Jerusalem and cleanses the temple
  • Luke 20:41-21:4

    Luke 20:41-21:4
    Whose son is the Christ and the widows offering
  • Luke 22:1-6

    Luke 22:1-6
    Judas betrays Jesus
  • Luke 20:1-9

    Luke 20:1-9
    The authority of Jesus is questioned and the parable of the tenants
  • Luke 20:20-40

    Luke 20:20-40
    Paying taxes to Ceaser and the resurrection and marriage
  • Luke 21-5-38

    Luke 21-5-38
    Signs of the end of age
  • Luke 22:7-23

    Luke 22:7-23
    The last Supper or The Lords supper
  • Luke 22:24-38

    Luke 22:24-38
    Who is the greatest and Jesus predicts Peters Denial
  • Luke 22:39-46

    Luke 22:39-46
    Jesus prays on the Mount of Olives in the garden of Sethsemane
  • Luke 22:47-53'

    Luke 22:47-53'
    Jesus arrested and taken before the Sanhedron
  • Luke 22:54-62

    Luke 22:54-62
    Peter disowns Jesus and Judas hangs himself
  • Luke 22:63- 23:24

    Luke 22:63- 23:24
    Jesus before Pilate and The soldiers mock Jesus
  • Luke 23:26-56

    Luke 23:26-56
    The crucifixion, the death and the burial of Jesus Dan the guard at the tomb
  • Luke 24:1-49

    Luke 24:1-49
    The resurrection, the guards report, and Jesus appears to the disciples
  • Luke 24:50-53

    Luke 24:50-53
    The great commission and the Ascension