Timeline of Landmark Legislation- By Lydia L.

By Lydia_L
  • 1975 BCE

    Education of all Handicapped Children Act

    Students with mental/physical disabilities struggled in education just to be successful, then this act was created. This ensures that handicapped children in public schools will get one free meal each school day and and will have just access to an education. The schools that must provide this are those that accept federal funds for operations. The qualification is for either mental or physical disabilities. The goal is to have their personal lesson plans to be similar to their peers.
  • Pennsylvania allows for free public education for poor students only

    Some families couldn't afford to pay for their child's education because it was too expensive but they still wanted to educate their children. as a solution the Pennsylvania state constitution allows for free public education for these students. This affected the families with little money, they were able to send their child to school for free.
  • Massachusetts reform school

    Due to the increase of students refusing to attend public schools Massachusetts opened a reform school at Westboro thus starting the tradition of "reform schools". This new school created a merge between the education system and the juvenile system. This school affects the students that are refusing to attend school.
  • Plessey v. Ferguson

    The U.S. Supreme Court rules that the state of Louisiana has the right to require "separate but equal" railroad cars for Blacks and whites. This means that the federal government officially recognizes segregation as legal. One result is that southern states pass laws requiring racial segregation in public schools.
  • California extends its public education to Chinese immigrants.

    U.S. Supreme Court requires California to extend public education to the children of Chinese immigrants.This results in an increase of student population and diversity within California schools.
  • Educational Testing Service is formed

    After the Educational Testing Service was formed in 1947 it created a merged in 1948 with the College Entrance Examination Board, the Cooperative Test Service, the Graduate Records Office, the National Committee on Teachers Examinations and others, with huge grants from the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. This affected students specifically high school students the most.
  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

    This trial was a result of the segregation and the "separate but equal" schools that were obviously not equal. This case went all the way to the Supreme Court with a unanimous agreement that segregated schools were unequal and need to be abolished. This court case affected all students and was a huge step in the right direction for the community, even though it angered some people..
  • Little Rock Nine

    After the federal court orders integration of Little Rock, Arkansas public schools. Governor Orval Faubus sends his National Guard to physically prevent nine African American students from enrolling at all-white Central High School. Because President Eisenhower couldn't allow a state governor use military power to defy the U.S. federal government he sent federal to enforce the court order. Many white parents to took their child out of the school to stand outside and protest.
  • Title IX

    No person in the US shall no excluded, denied, or be subject to discrimination on the basis of sex. In regard to admissions to educational institutions, this section shall apply only to institutions of vocational education, professional education, and graduate higher education, and to public institutions of undergraduate higher education.
  • Milliken v. Bradley

    A Supreme Court rules that schools may not be desegregated across school districts. This effectively legally segregates students of color in inner-city districts from white students in wealthier white suburban districts. This case only helped to cause racial schism between urban school districts and suburban school districts.
  • The Federal Tribal College Act

    The federal Tribal Colleges Act establishes a community college on every Indian reservation, which allows young people to go to college without leaving their families. The initial problem was that the only option for a college education caused young people to have to leave their families. Now this is no longer a problem and is convenient to get a college education.
  • Plyler v. Doe

    A Texas statute which withholds from local school districts any state funds for the education of children who were not "legally admitted" into the United States. This allows local school districts to deny enrollment, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment as to require the State to justify the statutory classification by showing that it serves a governmental interest. Texas statute imposes a lifetime hardship on children not responsible for their disabling status.