1900 BCE
The story Begins
Isaac and his wife Rebekah had twelve sons. Whom the twelve tribes of Israel were derived. Joseph(son of Isaac), who settled in Egypt, where he was later joined by his father and brothers. One hundred fifty years of prosperity for the people of Israel.(Pg.61. Jesus of history, Christ of faith. Thomas Zanzig) -
Period: 1500 BCE to 1290 BCE
The End of the Patriarchal Period
From about 1500-1290 B.C.E the Israelites suffered slavery in Egypt..( Zanzig, Thomas, Jesus of History, Christ of Faith. United States of America. www.smp.org. 2007/06/06, p.61) -
Period: 1290 BCE to 1000 BCE
The Story of Moses: 1290 B.C.E
Around 1290 B.C.E Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt (the Exodus), and Yahweh formed the Covenant of Sinai with the people. The Israelites then settled in the Promised Land, Canaan. From 1200 to 1020 B.C.E the judges led the Israelites against their enemies. (Pg.61. Jesus of history, Christ of faith. Thomas Zanzig) -
1000 BCE
The kingdom of Israel
The kingdom of Israel was formed. Saul was the first king, followed by David (1000 B.C.E), who would be the greatest of all the Kings. David established Jerusalem as the central city of his people. He was succeeded by Solomon, who built the temple. After the death of Solomon in 922 B.C.E., the kingdom split apart into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. (Pg.61. Jesus of history, Christ of faith. Thomas Zanzig) -
Period: 721 BCE to 587 BCE
The a Time of the Prophets
The northern kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrians (721 B.C.E). The southern kingdom survived until 597 B.C.E., when it's leading citizens were captured by the Babylonians. (587 B.C.E.) Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed, and thousands more were led into captivity (the Exile). (Pg.61. Jesus of history, Christ of faith) -
Period: 538 BCE to 515 BCE
The Babylonian Exile: 597 B.C.E
In 538 B.C.E. The Persians defeated the Babylonians, and the exiles were allowed to return to Jerusalem. From this point on they were known as Jews (from the word Judah). The rebuilding of the Temple was completed by B.C.E. (Pg.61. Jesus of history, Christ of faith. Thomas Zanzig) -
Period: 323 BCE to 200 BCE
Greek Domination of Palestine
Alexander the Great died during this time and the Greek empire was divided. Syria and Egypt Greek leaders were given control in Palestine (Pg.72. Jesus of history, Christ of faith. Thomas Zanzig) -
Period: 198 BCE to 142 BCE
The end of tolerance
The Greeks in Israel controlled all of Israel. The rulers were cruel and religious factions began to develop among the Jews. After the desecration of the temple by the Greeks, the outraged Jews successfully rebelled. The temple was rededicated (Hanukkah)(164 B.C.E.), and the Jewish independence was gained(142 B.C.E.) (Pg.72. Jesus of history, Christ of faith. Thomas Zanzig) -
Period: 142 BCE to 63 BCE
Jewish Independence
The Jews were independent from 142 to 63 B.C.E. Unfortunately, they had poor leaders. Factions within Judaism became defined: Sadducees (more concerned about politics than religion), Essenes (religiously very strict and withdrawn), Pharises (more concerned about religion than politics). Tension grew between the mainline Jews and the Galileans and between the mainline Jews and the Samaritans. (Zanzig, Thomas, Jesus of History, Christ of Faith. USA www.smp.org. 2007/06/06, p.72) -
Period: 66 BCE to 70 BCE
The Zealots Revolt
Zealots began to revolt against the Romans, but lost to the power of the Romans.Year 70 the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Pharisees strength helped the Jews. (Zanzig, Thomas, Jesus of History, Christ of Faith. U.S. 2007/06/06, p.72) -
Period: 63 BCE to 36 BCE
Isreal under Roman Domination
Romans ruled Palestine. Herod the Great was political "success", but was very cruel. He ruled until 4 B.C.E and the birth of Jesus would end his reign. After Herod died his three sons were divided in Palestine to rule each area. 1st son:Herod Antipas-ruler of Galilee, 2nd son: ruled Judea poorly hes was replaced with a Roman procurator. (Zanzig, Thomas, Jesus of History, Christ of Faith. United States of America. www.smp.org. 2007/06/06, p.72)