timeline of jewish history

By abby18
  • 1713 BCE

    Abraham forms the first covenant with God

    Abraham forms the first covenant with God
    God promises to make Abraham the father of a great nation, and to give his descendants the land that later becomes Israel.
  • 1280 BCE

    exodus from Egypt

    exodus from Egypt
    Moses leads his people out of enslavement on a journey to Canaan. During this time, he presents the Israelites with the ten commandments and forms a new covenant with God. This lays the foundation for the Jewish religion.
  • 970 BCE

    Solomon constructs the first temple

    Solomon constructs the first temple
    King Solomon of Israel builds the First Temple, on Mount Moriah around 970 BCE. This temple houses the Ark of the Covenant, a holy relic that contains the Ten Commandments.
  • 970 BCE

    reign of Solomon begins

    reign of Solomon begins
    Solomon was born in 990 BCE in Jersualem, and died around 931 BCE, at the age of 58 or 59. He was the third king of Israel, and the son of king David and Bathsheba. Solomon ruled Israel for forty years (970-931) and his reign was considered a golden age for the nation of Israel; he brought peace and prosperity to the land. lessons to learn:
    1) have integrity when handling success
    2) do not allow material items become who you are. 1Kings 10:23
    1Kings 11:1-13
  • 920 BCE

    Israel splits into two kingdoms

    Israel splits into two kingdoms
    the northern tribes revolt, and the land of the Hebrews splits into two kingdoms: the kingdom of Israel in the north, and the kingdom of Judah in the south. they remain separate for over two hundred years, and the Hebrews begin to split into smaller groups.
  • 722 BCE

    Assyrians conquer Israel, launch the diaspora

    Assyrians conquer Israel, launch the diaspora
    the Assyrians conquer the kingdom of Israel and force the ten tribes to resettle in other parts of the empire. The scattering of the tribes is the beginning of the Jewish diaspora (living away from Israel.)
  • 586 BCE

    destruction of the temple

    destruction of the temple
    The Baylonians destroy the First Holy Jewish Temple in Jerusalem built by King Solomon and exiled the Jews to Babylon.
  • 164 BCE


    Alexander the Great's successors launch a campaign of Hellenization in Israel and outlaw Jewish observances. The Jews revolt and they regain control of Jerusalem and purify the Temple; this event forms the basis of the celebration of Hannukah.
  • 30

    trial/crucifixion of Jesus

    trial/crucifixion of Jesus
    Jesus, the Son of God suffered under the Romans, was crucified, died, and was buried.
  • 66

    the Jews revolt against Roman rule

    the Jews revolt against Roman rule
    the Jewish people launch the Great Revolt against their Roman rulers. They rebel in response to years of cruelty, and the revolt results in a siege of Jerusalem.
  • 70

    destruction of the second temple

    destruction of the second temple
    Roman destruction of the second (rebuilt) temple in Jerusalem ends Jewish sovereignty.