Timeline of Internacional Law actors

  • Period: to

    17th Century

  • Hugo de Groot

    Hugo de Groot
    Hugo de Groot (Grotius) publishes "De Jure Belli ac Pacis," considered the father of modern international law.
  • Period: to

    Emergence of modern international law around

  • Peace of Westphalia

    Peace of Westphalia
    Peace of Westphalia in 1648 establishes a new political order based on sovereign States.
  • Period: to

    18th Century

    Shift in legal thinking towards positivistic theories, focusing on state practice.
  • Period: to

    19th Century

    Expansion and consolidation of international legal rules.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Congress of Vienna leads to the use of multilateral Conventions and the creation of international organizations.
  • Period: to

    Early 20th Century

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Treaty of Versailles includes a failed attempt to outlaw war, leading to the League of Nations.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    League of Nations established with the aim to prevent a repetition of World War I.
  • Period: to

    League of Nations Era

    Attempts to outlaw war through the League's Covenant and Kellogg–Briand Pact. Multilateral Conventions address issues like international waterways, maritime ports, international straits, opium regulation, slavery, and terrorism.
  • 1921-1937:

    Multilateral Conventions address issues such as international waterways, maritime ports, international straits, opium regulation, slavery, and terrorism.
  • Period: to

    World War II Era

  • United Nations

    United Nations
    United Nations established with the primary purpose of maintaining international peace and security.
  • Period: to

    Post-World War II Era

    Expansion of international law into areas such as human rights, international criminal law, international economic law, and international environmental law. Creation of 16 Specialized Agencies within the United Nations.
  • The General Assembly

    The General Assembly
    The General Assembly establishes the International Law Commission to progress the development and codification of international law.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

    Continued development of international law through multilateral treaties and "soft law" instruments. Increasing emphasis on human rights and environmental standards within states.