Contact With European Settlers
The French and British made contact with the First Nations community in eastern "Canada". They accidentally brought over a lot of disease with them which resulted in the death of several First Nations. This is also when they started to engage with fur trade. -
Period: to
The Seven Years War
The British and French engaged in a war for land, taking different tribes from the First Nations to help each side. This created somewhat of a drift between the First Nations, as they were now fighting against tribes with whom they'd been in peace with and also coexisted with for a long time. -
The Royal Proclamation
Destruction of Bison
Due to the Europeans bringing lots of disease and hunting them off, the population of the bison went from 30 million to about 1000. https://gsasandhu.wixsite.com/blogs https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_5H2yQ07-0GBu0rje69SrUBvvFBpY7fokdOk2Qyn-gk/edit -
The Implementation of the Reserve System
The reserve system becomes implemented, becoming a clear way to divide up the land between the Indigenous and the Europeans. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-92_FqotnuvqbPGTFhmNu6ceMmrj6SmqXkbj0z7Ccy0/edit -
First Residential School Opens
The First Residential School, Mohawk Residential School, opens. Becoming a school strictly for Indigenous students. -
Implementation of The Gradual Civilization Act
Confederation. Canada officially becomes a country!
Canada officially becomes a country after 3 seperate colonies in Canada are united. -
Implementation of The Gradual Enfranchisement Act
Period: to
The Numbered Treaties of Canada
Canada provides a number of treaties of terms and agreements between the Canadians and Indigenous. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YlYr5m1B6p1OOtz0HG9Qz1GDpx7dHDyG6jpN2FyxSc8&authuser=1 -
The Implementation of the Indian Act
The Indian Act was implemented, an act which dictated the circumstances under which Indigenous people could gain citizenship. -
Period: to
CPR Railway
Construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway. -
Residential School System Becomes Established
The residential school system becomes established and is made mandatory for all Indigenous children to attend. -
The Ban of Potlucks
There was an official ban placed on potlucks, cultural ceremonies and belongings. This resulted in a legal concequences in case someone Indigenous decided to wear their cultural wear or belongings as well as engage in any cultural practices. -
Churches Agree with Canadian Government to Run Residential Schools.
A formal agreement was made between the Canadian government and the curches to run residential schools. -
Dr. Bryce Conducts Report on Residential Schools
After the Canadian government asked Dr. Bryce to conduct a report on the residential schools of Canada, his report concluded that the residential schools were terrible. After reporting back to the government, he was fired. -
Residential Schools Become Mandatory
The residential school system makes it mandatory for all children to attend up to the age of 16. -
Period: to
The second horrific world war. -
Residential School for Inuit
The Inuit tribe, which were living up north, were also made to adopt the residential school system -
Indigenous Community is Given the Right to Vote